The Awakening
The Awakening
| 04 November 1995 (USA)
The Awakening Trailers

Sara lives in a small town where everybody knows everybody and her life is an open book. Left with the care of her family home, she has trouble meeting the mortgage payments and her ex-boyfriend is the bank manager attempting to foreclose. When she takes in boarders to meet expenses, she unwittingly rents a room to an international criminal hiding out from a bounty hunter, John Flynn. When the bounty hunter shows up, the criminal takes a hike. Reluctantly admitting that he might need her help, Flynn agrees to make Sara a partner for half the bounty if they catch the missing man in time. What follows is a wild ride where Sara discovered that she is anything but boring and predictable.


Wonderfully offbeat film!

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Bluebell Alcock

Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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This is a Harlequin romance. That tells you most of what you need to know to decide if you want to watch it or not.What I liked about it was the chemistry and one VERY entertaining scene (at least, it made me laugh out loud) about halfway through where one makes a pass at the other and... gets a response bearing absolutely NO resemblance to anything they (or I) were expecting. I won't spoil it, but it contains the line "It's not nice...". Well played, movie. Well played.Aside from that little nugget, the rest of the movie contains few surprises, but is watchable. There are occasional moments of chemistry and decent acting, as well as some campy moments which mostly work, at least if you aren't stringent in your demands from such. Occasional eye-roll-worthy bits didn't stop me from liking the movie enough to mildly recommend it. Just don't expect the moon.

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I was drawn to this movie and from the first few scenes I knew I'd like it. It is the classic romance formula. Boy meets girl boy antagonises girl, girl falls for boy, boy falls for girl but won't admit it. They have an adventure and eventually boy realises he loves girl tells her and they live happily ever after. The actors were credible and if there is such a thing as on screen chemistry they had it. In fact if I was Cynthia Geary's real life husband I would have been a bit nervous. This film is not designed to make you question the way the world is run but is an entertaining way to pass an hour and a half. I liked this movie and have it on DVD so when I want light entertainment I will be watching it again. Nothing beats a good feeling like a good romance.

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I have watched this movie at least 15 times. I love it. David and Cynthia are a well matched couple in this movie. I have never seen either one in a movie but I hope I get to see David again. What a great looking man. My friends think I am nuts for watching it so much, but I never get tired of watching David. The movie has everything in it from comedy to mystery and romance. Great movie!!! I am going to see if I can get more of his movies to watch. I can't figure out why David isn't more known. This is the first time I have seen him but it won't be the last. I did see Moonlight Becomes You but I don't recognize David Beecroft being in it.Pat Banas

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OK, so it's Good Friday, I'm sitting down with a coffee and wanting to chill in front of the TV. I switch on, and catch the opening credits of the movie. No idea what it is, but decide to give it a try. Suddenly there's this babe, dressed in work gear and dragging screens about. So I stay for a while longer. The movie begins to degenerate into a predictably tame *quote* thriller *unquote* that goes nowhere, but the real story is the girl. Sure, we know she's really a live one, and we know that in the end her and the guy will end up together, but really, who cares? The chance to see the girl unfold and grow is what the movie is all about. And to be honest, it's been done a lot better, and often. So? I didn't have anything else to do for an hour and a half, so that's OK.Average performances, given the less than average script. If you've nothing else to do, try it.

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