The Art of Seduction
The Art of Seduction
| 21 December 2005 (USA)
The Art of Seduction Trailers

A man and woman have great success in all of their dating pursuits. The woman uses her dating rules and fakes a car accident to capture the guy's attention, but she can't get him to succumb to her charm.


Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Xandrieth Xs

Watched #TheArtOfSeduction....A humorous comedy with a simple plot and practical jokes.... It's about experienced players who takes their game to each other. The game slowly turns into a competition and later on to love. The movie shows the commonly used techniques of getting someone of opposite sex in a comic manner. They keep it simple without spoiling the fun at any moment.... The movie is really good entertainment....The good thing about this one is that. They kept the perverted jokes and nudity out of it making it a family entertainment. There are not much family movies in this category....To sum up.... It's #worthWatching....

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The male protagonist Min-jun, and the female protagonist Ji-won, are both manipulative, lying opportunists who use strangers for their own gains. Judging from the first few minutes of the film, I would hope that both of them get the lengthy jail sentences that they so richly deserve. Neither of them succeeds by merit, unless on counts their skills in identifying the weaknesses of their targets and exploiting those weaknesses. They are parasites who regularly commit felonies.In early part of the narrative, we see the depredations of the pair as they act separately on their marks. Eventually they meet one another. She likes to ram stopped cars with single drivers then victimize the person she hit. She pulls that on the male protagonist, and is surprised when he does not fall for her bovine scatology. They lie to each other, then lie some more, then lie some more. The music indicates that this is supposed to be humorous.As the story continues, they have to deal with their previous targets. They also get to like each other, even though they continue constructing plausible lies.Do the protagonists get together and stay together? Does one get the upper hand and crush the other? Stay tuned (if you can stand it) to find out.------Scores------Cinematography: 10/10 Excellent with very few exceptions.Sound: y/10 Moot, I suppose. The voiced Korean seemed quite soft. I had to trust the subtitles.Acting: 5/10 More like mugging. There must have been over 100 instances of 'oh, did that idiot believe me?'Screenplay: 5/10 It is a story of (ethically) ugly people doing ugly things to people whom they hold in contempt. When the protagonists get to know one another, they sharpen each other; that is, improve their 'A' game. There is neither redemption nor punishment in this collection of vignettes about con artists.

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Fast forwarding the movie for a few minutes made me pause and look at Ye-jin Son for several seconds. I'd no idea about the movie but had taken a liking towards Korean cinema after My Sassy Girl. That was one of the best movies i'd ever seen.So I decided to give this one a go. The movie left me pleasantly surprised. I mean sure, it had lots of flaws and some scenes ended abruptly. But the over all flow of the movie made up for it. As I mentioned earlier Ye-jin Son is the main highlight of the movie. I can't even pronounce her name and yet am a fan already.To a certain extent the girls character is similar to My Sassy Girl. But the difference is that the guy is smarter here.The movie doesn't bore you and there are plenty of good scenes to keep you smiling. The acting and cinematography is good. The side characters are also funny.Overall a must watch esp. for non-koreans.

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Actually, unlike other people, I knew that this movie was going to be good. For one, I have yet to see Son Ye Jin play any "rambunctous" character. She's always been the quiet, pretty, and others like to say "damsel-in-distress". And watching this, it really confirmed that Son can play any role, whatever the character. She truly is amazing in this movie.Il Gook is also very good playing a player father's son. It good to see him in a romantic comedy too. These two put together makes a great film. There are soo many funny scenes and overall is worth watching twice.

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