The Amazing Wizard of Paws
The Amazing Wizard of Paws
| 03 March 2015 (USA)
The Amazing Wizard of Paws Trailers

Young Bobby Spade who has an anxiety disorder, discovers that his therapy dog Ozzy is actually 600 years old and was once owned by a powerful wizard from ancient times. Upon his twelfth birthday, Bobby is propelled into a new life when he learns the truth about his faithful pet who soon determines the boy and his widowed mother's destiny.


Some things I liked some I did not.

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i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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Orla Zuniga

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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To start off, this is a movie I hadn't heard of. One time while I was at the gym on the treadmill, one of the T.V.s had this movie on. It was on mute with closed captioning. It looked like a kid movie, yet it was more entertaining than the other things on T.V. like sports and the news. I was entertained with how much of it I saw while running the treadmill, and decided to rent it.I saw this movie, and even as an adult I loved it. Too bad it doesn't have the best reviews. I'll be a person that gives this movie a positive review. But, first I want to compare this to a story involving magic that we're all familiar with, Harry Potter. I've read the Harry Potter books and enjoyed them. I think they're clever, and I think the story of how J.K. Rowling didn't have the book originally published, but didn't give up and is now the second richest woman in England is very inspirational. At the same time, I think Harry Potter is extremely overrated and has its flaws in the book. One of the flaws, is I feel like the book focuses too much on the wizarding world, and not enough on the real world, and doesn't leave us with enough good messages, which I felt that this movie was inspirational, relatable, and left us with good messages.Now saying how Harry Potter is about a boy that's a wizard, this movie is about a boy named Bobby. The movie starts when he's 5, but we mostly see him as a 12-year old. He isn't considered a wizard, but a boy that is interested in magic, wanting to be a magician. Also, a shy boy who has a dog named Ozzy. He got that dog early in the movie, when it was stray not knowing the dog is very old and part of the wizarding community. Bobby walks everywhere with Ozzy, even places that you think normally wouldn't allow dogs. While Bobby looks for a book on magic, he really becomes a magician, and Ozzie immediately becomes more real. However, the main wizard villain is after the book too, and Bobby quickly learns that he is the chosen one.This movie has wizarding action. The kind of action we like to see in movies that involve wizards and action. This action to me, felt more realistic than the action we see in Harry Potter. The magic tricks felt like real magic tricks that we could imagine seeing in a magic show. I'll say that in the Harry Potter Universe, the magic in it doesn't feel much like magic, but just part of the wizarding world. What the wizards have and are capable of. This movie gave more of a feel of what we think of as magic.Another thing to say which I feel like this scene alone beats Harry Potter. I'd say the scariest scene in the movie, was a scene involving a suit of armor. I don't want to spoil it and say what happens, but that scene felt too real while watching it. It was very well done!! It could make you imagine being in the same situation.I feel like this movie could be even scarier than Harry Potter, because a lot of the things felt more real. I'm not saying this movie was too scary, definitely not. But, it did have scary scenes, especially the scene I mentioned above. You also really feel for the characters, and you hope Bobby can succeed at magic, along with getting money to help his mom who is having trouble paying for the house.I don't see why people don't like this movie? It's family friendly and at the same time has scary scenes. But, it really offers a perspective and good message. Sometimes, we have to believe in ourselves, along with getting ourselves out, not just being so shy. To me those messages came to me more than the messages from the Harry Potter books. I'd consider this a completely different story than Harry Potter, and a little better. I'd recommend this to you. But if you're like most of these other people reviewing the movie, you might not like it. If you're like me, and if what I posted above makes this movie sound interesting, you'll like it.

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ice ruby red

... but this one was hard to sit through!The special effects were very cheesy and the magic was unimaginative, except for the moon part, which was pretty cool.The acting was abysmal overall. The actress who played the mom was superb, but the actor who played the starring role was just awful! I can see him in a smaller part, but to cast him in the starring role...? Who thought that was a good idea?! No disrespect towards the lad; he's still young, and with experience might be a fine actor someday, but his performance in this movie was as wooden as a fence post. Better casting in the lead role might have made a significant difference. The evil magician was no better, but at least he wasn't the main character and thus was tolerable.Spoiler warning ....There is an obvious hole in the plot at the end when Bobby puts his dog's service vest away because he no longer has the need for a crutch. That goes completely against the whole time-change arc! If the accident never happened, then Bobby would never have developed agoraphobia and the need for a service dog.I don't have any small children, and I imagine that a young child might actually enjoy this movie, but if you are over the age of 10 you will probably be disappointed. It's truly one of the blandest films I've seen in some time!

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I'm honestly stunned that this script got approved and was actually made into a "movie"! Outside of the terrible acting from basically every cast member the story was incredibly weak with more holes in it than Swiss Cheese! The special effects looked like they were done by a high schooler working on a class project. As the movie progresses (if you can even call it that) it looks like the cast and crew started giving up on the movie and just threw random clips in and used non experienced actors to play small roles. This is very obvious in the Million Dollar Talent Show segment. It's almost too hard to watch! I can't image this movie doing well at all unless the budget was $10,000 and someone forced a bunch of people to go see it. Hopefully nothing like this ever gets made again!

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The film screened to over 1,000 kids and adults at the Sedona International Film Festival and the audience loved it! IMDb requests that I type ten lines of text to get this review submitted. I don't have ten lines of stuff to type, but maybe by talking about not having ten lines then IMDb will print this. I hope so, because I don't want to have to write an essay every time I see a movie and want to post a review on IMDb. Ten lines of text is a lot. I still haven't typed ten lines and I am exhausted! It still won't let me submit so here I am typing more and more lines. Still not at ten lines. Whew this is exhausting. I've never written ten lines in my life, but IMDb is insisting I do it.

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