The Amazing Catfish
The Amazing Catfish
NR | 13 June 2014 (USA)
The Amazing Catfish Trailers

Young Claudia works in a supermarket where she promotes various types of products. One night, she ends up in the emergency room with severe appendicitis and meets Martha, a patient, laying in the bed next to hers.


I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.

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Bessie Smyth

Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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Rafael Jaramillo

I had to see this movie twice in order to understand it, and why it felt so boring.The camera work is good, the cinematography fits the movie tone, and the use of light helps to create scenes and atmosphere (especially when Martha says she's scared to die). Claudia Sainte-Luce feels strong behind the director's chair. I like the way she hides Claudia's face for the first 5 minutes of the film; this grows curiosity about our leading character. Also, the choosing of the yellow Volkswagen Beetle; "The Shining" (1980) and "Footloose" (1984). That model gives a familiar environment, and the color transmits joy.The movie shows fine performances, taking the top spot is Lisa Owen (Martha), the most challenging role in this movie. She does well in the jolly and optimist side, also in the dark and worried one. The other ones that stand out are Wendy Guillén (Wendy), and Alejandro Ramírez (Armando).I found the music suitable and compliant. It enhances the loneliness of Claudia, the casualty of what's going on and a little bit of sadness. It felt like the music that would appear if you were to take a long, thoughtful and reflexive walk.The movie shows some funny moments; most of all, thanks to situations involving Armando and Mariana. (It is supposed to be a Comedy, but I find that Impossible).Main themes are clear: loneliness and fear of loss and death. Also, being grateful for what you have; the moment where Alejandra tells Claudia she wants to change entirely (because of her boyfriend), and Claudia tells her she wants to change her whole life (because she is absolutely alone). Claudia's face throughout the movie is the very essence of transition from being sad and alone, to be happy and eager for being part of a family (which she never had). Claudia: A loner, and feels lonely. This reminds of a quote in "Heat" (1995): "I'm alone, I am not lonely". Two different things, but she happens to be both. She's an expression of how depressing can be to have no family at all, and how fatal can be to feel, and be, alone. I applaud the fact that she's not the stereotype leading woman in a movie.Martha: She is an AIDS sick woman who tries to remain optimist and smiling despite her condition. From everyone's point of view it's the fear of losing her, and from hers, it's the fear to die. The character appeals to awareness of this disease and how frightening it can be. Alejandra: The older daughter that is a workaholic and seems to be a complex woman, reason why her boyfriend dumped her. She's desperate for a stable relationship, but just so happens that she's always thinking about work. She shows the hard part of being an adult.Wendy: She's fat, not too 'girly', and seems to be 'different' in her own way. She has suicide tendencies! And no one realizes that. Thing is: at her age and being a woman, social pressure is high, especially in this 2010's.Mariana: She's just this teenager submerged in a high social status in school. This character plays basically that role, being indifferent to everything, except her mother's situation.Armando: The awkward and odd kid that maybe is the "different" one in school. This character is played in a satisfying manner, making you believe is the kid no one understands in the recess.It's time to explain why, it FALLS FLAT:Distracting factors: Purple cereal, some sort of hidden message about Claudia; Metaphorical title, I still don't get it; Feels like a wannabe hipster movie.Claudia, as a main character, is a boring one. She's a woman of few words yes, but of few actions as well. If she's going to say almost nothing, and have a slow and low voice as well, she better be doing some @#$%& important @#$%& in the movie. Like: Max in "Mad Max: Fury Road" (2015); The Driver (Ryan Gosling) in "Drive" (2011). OK, this characters are a way different genre. The point is, if your character is not going to be a talker, it better be a doer.I FOUND IT BORING BECAUSE it has too many subplots and a misguided main one. In some point you get lost in the confusing narrative of the movie, leaving you wondering what's really about. The structure focuses on showing different scenes, like mini stories of a day by day, and no one leads to the next; this feels boring and distracting. Each character feels like a plot to be developed, taking away the attention from what could have been a deep and interesting one.The ending is this message from the dead mother to each of the family members; their straight looks to the camera doesn't help to create that link. At the end, it feels predictable and fails to transmit those emotions that are supposed to make you cry.The relationship between Claudia and Armando is odd, especially for that awkward kiss.I believe, that if they had focused heavily in Martha's situation, or in Claudia's life and background, the movie could have been a lot better. For Christ's sake, Claudia is an aspiring actress, and this is merely mentioned. The movie could have centered in Claudia being miserable because she isn't doing what she truly wants, and Martha's disease as a subplot; or the other way around.I like some quotes from the movie, specially this one: "Sighs, are a sign that we lack air for breathing".My final consensus: A deeply emotional packed drama that brings fine performances and determined direction, but falls flat, and end up being boring because of many subplots and a narrative/structure problem.

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I first heard about this film at a Film Festival but tickets were sold out and I was very disappointed that I missed it. It sounded great. I put it on my WatchList and eagerly waited for it to come out on DVD. Finally it's here. Then I watch it and I feel disappointed. It's not what I expected. The trailer and the promotional material at the Festival failed to convey the actual tone of this film. I had been given the impression that once this group gets together they go on some journey that is fun and delightful. However, this group meets in a hospital and every journey outside the hospital involves returning to the hospital due to the mother's serious illness. This is a sad film and the only joy is the fact that the young woman who joins their family is able to contribute a lot of love and to receive a lot of love in return. I know that in reality some joy and love in life are better than nothing and better than suffering alone. If you understand that reality and are prepared to confront it, then you will enjoy this film. If you are looking for entertainment to distract you from that reality, you probably should choose a different film...

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Watched this film in BIFFES (2013)Bangalore International Film Festival and it was very much worth it. The leading lady looks really beautiful and has given very good performance in this movie. The movie revolves around Claudia and how she becomes a part of a family whom she doesn't even relate to(by blood). Its an ordinary story of a family and a woman with stellar performances and direction. The music compliments the movie and offers good viewing experience.The synopsis has already been given, so i wont dig into the story part. An average poor or middle class family with different types of Characters and the way Claudia handles situations. Circumstances and situations make it like Claudia needs them and they needs Claudia. Very good direction and good performances to look out for.

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