The Adventures of Chris Fable
The Adventures of Chris Fable
| 31 August 2010 (USA)
The Adventures of Chris Fable Trailers

(Long Synopsis) "This action-packed, fantasy-fueled family adventure – inspired by the revered literary Christian classic, The Pilgrim’s Progress – overflows with outrageous characters, special effects … and a moral message. In The Wylds, young Chris (Solomon Ray) is a runaway living with a group of other misfit kids in a junkyard, all under the watchful eye of a Dickens-esque character who forces them to steal to survive. When Chris is caught pilfering at a church, the pastor protects him from the police, then challenges him to find his estranged father. Chris bravely chooses to leave his family of thieves and ventures into the wilderness in search of a better life. Traveling through a post-apocalyptic future – his only hope lies in reaching a heavenly paradise that will surpass his wildest dreams – he outwits bandits, escapes swamp monsters, battles evil robots and learns valuable life lessons about choosing the right path."


This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.

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A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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Possibly not worth the title "movie". Was dozing off around halfway, because the plot (if that's what it was) and acting was so dull and sucky. Bizzare , and yet not even bizzare enough to be interesting. It was like it couldn't decide to be a Dystopian Sci Fi at times, or a hero's journey. The religious overtone bothered me as well, as it just pointless and insignificant. On the whole, this thing is unnecessary for anyone to ever see, and should help start a campfire.

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Just brought this from the supermarket for two pounds i don't think its even worth that! this is the worst film I've ever seen and the so called breathtaking special effects look like a five year old cardboard cut outs in fact i would say that would be far more breathtaking! it had terrible acting terrible storyline and awful effects and i will be going back to the shop to ask for two hours of my life back i cant believe they sell it know wander you cant find it anywhere else! I'm glad i chucked it on the fire where it belong i had to destroy it before anyone else wastes two hours of there life on it i did the right thing!

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Wow.... is all i gotta say. Look at all those positive reviews and the fact that its the only review most of the users have ever made. All the visual effects and scenery are breathtaking?? First thing that comes to mind is substance abuse when i read that other review. Never in my life have i seen a more poorly constructed movie. Its as if they just had a couple extra cameras lying about and some tall guy started juggling them and decided to make a movie out of the footage from it. This movie is beyond terrible, It seems to just defy words. How anyone could write that first review without breaking into laughter or wetting themselves (which i'm sure the publisher did on release) is beyond me. Since the advent of affordable hd camera equipment we seem to be getting a never ending barrage of crappy independent movies. This needs to stop and it needs to stop now before more people are hurt.

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I just wasted £3 on a movie I was led to believe was similar to Narnia - TESCO LIED TO ME!!!!! Do not under any circumstances EVER buy 'The Adventures of Chris Fable' (also known as The Wyld) unless you want to waste 85 minutes of your life watching Christian propaganda disguising itself as a kids movie! The so called special effects were terrible and the musical score was appalling, I think my 4 year old son could do better with a Video camera and a Fisher Price keyboard!!! Don't get me started on the acting! It was so wooden it was untrue - I've seen better school plays! How I sat through the whole movie I will never know, I guess I was just expecting something to happen, which it didn't. I can honestly say I HATE this movie and it will be going to the Charity shop before my kids ever see it - what a load of rubbish!!!!

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