Tex Montana Will Survive!
Tex Montana Will Survive!
NR | 04 April 2015 (USA)
Tex Montana Will Survive! Trailers

After being discovered as a fraud, Tex Montana, host of a hit survival show has set out to prove that he CAN survive the wilds, the weather, and his own ineptitude.


Let's be realistic.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.

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Talk about a lot with a little. Tex Montana Will Survive is an economical picture. Squeezing out an 84 minute improvisational survival comedy on a reported $1,500 budget is no small feat. The film is made more impressive when you learn O. hannah Films went out of their way to crowdfund the money to release this movie for FREE. If that's not doing it for the art I don't know what is. The film itself is akin to a survival documentary series--think Survivorman--featuring the blissfully stupid Tex Montana, who goes off the grid into the wilderness to prove to he's the real deal. Things go poorly as we watch Montana use his "skill" to endure a harsh winter, dwindling supplies, and lack of overall knowledge about anything pertaining to nature or survival. The film is entirely improvisational and your enjoyment will depend on your liking of co-director and star Jeremy Gardner in the title (and only) role. Tex Montana is pompous, ignorant, but lovable simpleton played with charisma and fearlessness.Naturally with an improvised movie, there will be some jokes that miss their mark, but for the most part the film is funny and moves briskly. The setting and visuals are impressive for the budget and the film has no shortage of ideas. My favorite moment being Montana playing the drums with bones he says he salvaged from the remains of a dead bear cub. If that sounds funny to you, check it out.

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They obviously did not have a script. If it did, the writer should be ashamed. This guy is not funny at all. Horrible jokes and acting. This is an awful movie propped up by bs reviews. Probably had his friends review it for him.

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Gardner is one of my favorite directors. Battery and Spring are wonderful films.I picked up a copy of Tex from Youtube (odd distribution model discussed in other reviews) .... and was hooked.I "get" that in many ways this is a pure vanity project. But, if you have the talent, and you can deliver the goods, why not? Gardner has the talent. First, he set out to make what I call the "Holy Grail" of film -- one man acting as writer, actor and director locked in closet with a camera who successfully produces a decent film. Can it be done? Gardner did not use a closet, he used the outdoors --- and, in my view, he pulled it off.Funny! Just to be clear, prior to watching Tex, I was watching Lewis Black's latest special, Black to the Future, and found that Black was becoming less funny from special to special. I did not even watch to the end.Was the problem the performer or the audience? Was I losing my sense of humor? Turns out my sense of humor is just fine, thank you. As Tex picks up steam, I found I was laughing aloud more often. By the time we get to the 1:07 mark -- where Tex tells the camera that he may be having a stroke because his eye is blinking uncontrollably and trying to send him a message in Morse Code, not knowing that he himself does not understand Morse Code -- I am on the floor.Just after that bit Tex, clearly depressed, gives us a quick lesson on the best way to shoot yourself in the head with a gun after you have been lost in the forest for more than two months and have clearly lost your mind.Beware the haters.This kind of film, ironically, does to the artist much the same thing that happens to the character (Tex) out in the wild. It leaves him exposed and vulnerable. Basically, Gardner knows that you know what he is attempting, and he is using every ounce of talent he has to keep you entertained and engaged.I say this project works, and Gardner is still very much a genius. Pound for pound, and scene for scene, I found Tex funnier than Borat (2006) which was an international hit and launched Baron Cohen into the stratosphere.Don't look a gift horse (or baby bear, or woodpecker) in the mouth.Highly recommended.

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I watch all of those above, plus Naked and Afraid. I gotta believe, based on a lot of the in jokes that Jeremy Gardner does too.Now it does meander a bit, but Gardner's a pretty solid actor so he manages to sell it. Just when you're thinking the joke's getting old he manages to make you laugh again at some new dumb thing his character Tex Montana's decided to do.Full disclosure though--if you're going in hoping for a sequel(in spirit even) to the Battery though, you're going to be disappointed. This isn't horror. For me, no big deal because I wasn't a massive fan of their first film. Seemed slow, but believe me I am well aware of no-budget limitations so I'm not bagging on them. Definitely had some interesting stuff.Anyway--there ya go. You'll probably know if this will appeal to you or not. Check it out!

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