Sweet Angel Mine
Sweet Angel Mine
| 17 September 1996 (USA)
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Paul, a young man from London, arrives in the small Nova Scotia town of Milestone, where his long lost father was last seen years earlier. Paul is eager to find out what brought his father to this remote community. He meets Rauchine, a young, beautiful and unaffected girl who lives with her unstable mother and domineering grandmother on a nearby island, who is eking out a harsh and isolated living. Paul finds himself enmeshed in a web of jealousy, bitterness and fear as his attraction to Rauchine begins to grow. After a failed attempt to leave the island with Paul, Rauchine must make a crucial decision and break the cycle of violence and death that has marked her life.


One of the worst movies I've ever seen

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Excellent, a Must See

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It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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I think its pretty sad that this movie didnt do so well with the overall audience. The movie had a very short life span on VHS and was quickly taken off the shelves everywhere it had been released (US,canada and UK) I think that Is a shame, Its nearly impossible to find for rent and you cant buy it anywhere it seems, not even ebay. anyway moving on to my thoughts on the movie.... Well, I caught it from around the middle (where the mother gets all crazy on the guy near the water and walks off) so i probably missed alot, but from what i did see It was reall really good. It had a pretty unique storyline in my opinion, wasnt really a horror film like for ex halloween or that stuff, it was a phychodrama thriller, and a damn good one. It was a low budget film but not quite a B film. The quality was good and it had at least 3 fairly well-known actors, and it had minimal unnecicary gore (unlike some crappy films) I would definately buy it if it were available, and itys worth the time that it runs to watch it, I'd like to see rauchine's character (margaret langrick) in some newer movies, but it seems that this was her last one she did. It really is a crying shame this isnt more well known and isnt available anymore, but anyway it is a really good movie and I'd love to see it again all the way.

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Sweet Angel Mine is a wonderful movie. While watching I felt as though this (the locking away, murder, and oppression) was something that could happen to anyone anywhere, but was at the same time fascinated and couldn't turn away. It's a good thing, too, because if I had I would have missed a great finish. Although it's not the first tale to feature this plot, the ending takes a twist, explaining everything and creating uniqueness not seen in other films. Kudos to the acting; it was great and with a lower level the movie simply wouldn't have the same effect. The screenplay, while a bit confusing, ultimately relays everything with better clarity and emotion. The psychotic mother and grandmother, the trapped, innocent daughter, and the caring suitor make for one weird relationship that really fits the story. This is a great movie! While I wouldn't recommend it for a dark, stormy night-it is quite chilling-Sweet Angle Mine is definitely more than worth the two hours it takes to watch-on a calmer day.

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How do I love this movie? Let me count the ways. OK. I'm done counting. I can count the ways I love this movie on fewer than the fingers of one hand. In fact, I wouldn't even need one finger. Not unless I was using my middle finger.This is the type of movie where you root for the young lover-wannabes to NOT get together at the end. This is the type of movie where you root for the entire cast of characters to die in the end. And speaking of root, this is the type of movie that gives undergoing a root canal a good name. That's what I wish I'd been doing instead of watching this movie---undergoing a root canal.One really has to wonder how this film got by the Canadian Board of Tourism. Not to mention the Province of Nova Scotia's Chamber of Commerce. That's where it takes place. ("Come visit beautiful Nova Scotia. You, too, can act like an idiot!") The plot? Why bother? When every character in a movie can't get a clue, ESPECIALLY the two young lovers, then any alleged plot becomes meaningless. The best ending for this movie would have been for all of its characters, in one mass group-in, to have thrown themselves into the Atlantic Ocean from atop the rocky Nova Scotian cliffs. And to have taken the director (Curtis Radclyffe) with them! That, finally, would have been the first thing about this movie to make any sense."Sweet Angel Mine." Never judge a movie by its title. I did. And because I did, I wasted nearly two hours of my lifetime. That's two lost hours that can never be reclaimed. A root canal, at least, when it's all over, turns out to have been worthwhile time well spent.

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Despite some stylish direction, this is a pretty dreadful "thriller" about a possessive mom, her innocent daughter, and the young man who invades their lives and uncovers their dark family secrets. If you've seen "Psycho", you should be able to foresee this film's "shocking" plot twist about an hour before it's revealed. There's some really lame plot contrivances and the characters have to do some pretty stupid things in order for this story to reach its ludicrous finale. While the movie does have a few gory "shocks" at the end, it moves at a snail's pace and tells a story that is all too familiar and none too compelling.

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