Strike Commando
Strike Commando
R | 27 November 1987 (USA)
Strike Commando Trailers

The sole survivor of a Vietnam mission is ordered by his commanding officer to photograph Soviets.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.

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This film is so funny because it's trying to be serious! The acting and directing is terrible from grenades going off and taking out large amounts of people, over-reacting and corny lines to the funniest one-liners you'll ever see it's a film which never ceases to make you laugh!!! A must see for anyone who likes Rambo or who want's to see really bad acting.Also, Alex Vitale at the end with the 'americanskiiiiii!' line when his head is blown off and the sound still carrying is nothing short of genius!Seriously, you'll laugh and laugh and laugh!Must buy!

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Bruno Mattei directs the ultimate commando masterpiece of all times! Reb Brown plays Michael Ransom, a Green Beret sent on a risky mission which goes wrong. He manages to get back to his own lines, only to wind up on another botched mission. While interred in an enemy POW camp, he discovers that his CO is actually working for the KGB, and escapes to seek revenge. See a man yelling after his body has been blown to bits by a grenade and much more in this highly entertaining RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD PART II rip-off! Outrageous violence and huge explosions! Do not miss STRIKE COMMANDO! PS: a message to the Vietnamese guy who commented earlier: Your dad should be proud for being an extra in this masterpiece. I would be feeling superior if I were him. He worked for Bruno Mattei.

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While boasting production values somewhat higher than usual for Italian war movies shot in the Philippines (the modelwork is kept to a minimum, and there are plenty of big explosions), and there are plenty of genre it takes somewhat of an effort to get through the first half. It's slow, dumb, and pretty devoid of action for the most part. However, things do brighten in the second half of the movie... though probably not in the way the filmmakers intended. Starting at the halfway mark, the movie suddenly starts being funny - *unintentionally* funny! Whether is incredibly inept enemy soldiers being easily gunned down... the hero's screaming and flapping his gun around... or how the movie incredibly and blatantly rips off scene after scene of "Rambo: First Blood Part 2", the movie keeps finding ways to make us laugh. It seems the filmmakers did realize how utterly stupid the movie was becoming, since the last few minutes are made to be *intentionally* funny.Had the first half of the movie been as funny as the second, I would have recommended "Strike Commando" without hesitation. As it is now, it's up to you if you are willing to bear with that first half.

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When you rent a cheap Italian action movie from the mid-eighties, you more or less (should) know what to expect. So, aside from the cut-rate cinematography, it's hard to complain about anything else in "Strike Commando", because it delivers what it promises: non-stop action and mayhem, and a high body count. If you're in the mood for mindless commando-type violence, this movie is better than many similar American flicks. (**)

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