State of Emergency
State of Emergency
| 17 September 2012 (USA)
State of Emergency Trailers

Chaos consumes a small town when a chemical facility explodes releasing a deadly toxin. Moments after the leak, the town's residents show signs of mutation, causing the military to quarantine the area leaving any survivors helpless and trapped inside. The story follows Jim, a young man isolated within the red zone, as he eludes flesh eating zombies in an attempt to win back his freedom.


Really Surprised!

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A story that's too fascinating to pass by...

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Sabah Hensley

This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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Lucia Ayala

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Doesn't really do anything new with the Zombie genre.It's the same old story about few survivors coming together to survive, and form a bond while they're at it. Even ends with a fairy-tale Disney Ending, to keep everybody happy.The only problem is, the survivors are as interesting as watching paint dry on a wall, same goes for the zombies who occasionally attack and never really do any damage. Only interesting and creepy bit comes with a "slight" twist to the zombies through an old woman zombie. But that's it. Overall, I was disappointed. Acting is OK and it would've worked fine in a movie with better script and more going on than just a farm the director rented for the weekend shoot. Could've pulled it off easily with a low budget, like Shaun of the Dead did.

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I understand that most thrillers whether it be supernatural, sci-fi or just good old-fashioned killer-thrillers are generally not big budget films. But really, while I give the actors and make-up people credit, I've grown weary of so many thrillers taking place in isolated, claustrophobic or single-property (such as the stables/farm in this one). The actors manage to sustain being in a terrified state to a point, but the terror becomes blunt and the many foreboding stable doors that we pass by over and over (literally) become tiresome. The part where the rifle-toting young man goes out of the stable and forgets to lock it behind him knowing there's zombies near the ranch is like me telling you there's a killer around and you leave your doors unlocked. It defies the human factors of terrible fear and self-preservation. To cover this over-used mistake of not locking the door on the way out, all they had to depict was him pushing in the hasp and after he walked away, we see it didn't snap in and re-opened. That's how you avoid depicting the hero as brainless. Big budgeted thrillers like World War Z may not be the answer to better horror films, but it certainly kept up suspense on a worldwide scale of unrelenting nightmare, and it's conclusion took place in a building. The whole film didn't have potential victims running and screaming in one area. I'm glad low-budget producers have found so many available old buildings, asylums, hospitals and stables to film in but the obvious money-saving locations become tedious, especially when the cast runs down their corridors over and over...and over...and over.... And can someone please stop the lights from flickering on cue. Enough! Pay the electric bill!

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George Taylor

While looking for something apocalyptic to watch, I stumbled on this and, after reading the many positive reviews, decided to access it on Netflix. Boy did I make a mistake. The reviews are correct, this isn't a zombie movie, as the people who have been exposed to a chemical leak are just rage filled (sound familiar) lunatics who only want to kill. I really don't know what movie (which this barely qualifies as) were watching, but it couldn't have been this. A derivative of 28 Days Later, this film is boring, unoriginal and has an incredibly lame ending. I don't even think this would count as a film school project. Just poor execution all around, and not one original idea in it. For an apocalyptic completist only.

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Acting was sub par, opening scene was slow and really set the mood for the whole movie. Slow. There was a huge lack of "zombies" if that's what you want to call them. There was not much emotion and you barely learned anything about the characters. The time frame of this movie was also ridiculous. I don't think it was even really a life or death situation for these characters as long as they stayed hidden. Maybe two weeks at most? Also it seemed the actors/actresses showed up to work, read their script and repeated them out loud and their day was done. I know this is minor but they called the soldiers in the movie marines. While they were clearly Army. That not a detail that should be overlooked.

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