| 03 October 2014 (USA)
Starve Trailers

While researching an urban legend on feral children, three friends find themselves trapped in an abandoned high school, where they are confronted with an evil more sinister than the legend itself.


Load of rubbish!!

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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Rob Haskell

This movie made me think in certain ways. The villains show that they have morals: while they are twisted, they have a code of conduct and whether they stick to this or not is something to pay attention to.Perhaps it is the straightforwardness of the movie that people hate, but the thing is, this movie is ***not*** predictable. People are mixing up these two concepts. The "plot" is easy to understand, but people judge this film almost like..... they want it to be confusing?? The film throws many scenes at us where we cannot be certain of the outcome. There are even a few twists, and I cannot say more about this without giving away my favorite part of the movie. Believe in the characters, and YOU will *not* be the one getting surprised. The movie starts out portraying the characters as very run-of-the- mill, very typical people, but that quickly fades away when they fail to live up to the average horror film stock characters. These are heroes, not the shabby type to scream their lungs out and freeze in fear until they are brutally stabbed, etc. These people FIGHT for their lives and I admire that. I think this is a GREAT, and I mean GREAT movie to watch as a couple, because their teamwork is incredible and really peaks towards the end. They also do very well on their own, and this is backed up in the story. These are VICTIMS, but they are not HELPLESS.The characters are developed. It bothers me that people complain about the smaller roles, but the truth is, we don't need to know much about them for them to serve their purpose. They come and go as they should, and they all add an element to the story: whether it be hope, or dread. Just because plans don't always work does ***not*** mean that someone is useless!! God, people want the story to be so predictable, and this movie just isn't. That's why I loved this one. Anyways, the story is obviously told from the point of view of our main characters, so stop focusing on the importance of minor characters. There are a lot of them and that's the point. The villain has been doing these wicked things for a long time. That's the message and it gets through to us. The only other thing I can say without spoiling too much is that by the end of the movie, these characters are fully addressed. (Watch until after the credits.)The villains have depth. People say their background is cheesy but it's absolutely not. There are hugely acclaimed horror movies like Silence of the Lambs, which put *no* effort into explaining WHY the bad guys do what they do (iirc, but I know movies like this exist.) but this one makes sense. I'd be p1ssed too if I was in the guy's shoes, and I'd probably want to take it out on the world. Doesn't that sound like the perspective a bad guy should be coming from? The telling of his story fits in with the plot perfectly, looping back to the very first couple of scenes.I will say that there were a very small number of parts that did not quite hit the mark, which is why I can only give this movie an 8/10 rating. Here is a spoiler, and while reading this won't ruin the movie for you, it will reveal bits and pieces. There is an undercover cop-like lady who tries to rescue the victims. Her acting is ***very*** bad. She dragged down this movie from 9 to 8, and I feel very strongly about that. Be ready to laugh at her scene and just take it with a grain of salt.I loved this movie. If you're the type that feels like they've seen it all, and you want something both **original** and **good**, with characters that can stand on their own two legs, watch this one.

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I red boxed this movie yesterday, and was surprised it actually had a decent plot. I also realized that 20 minutes into the movie, I do remember watching some of it on the sci-fi channel. I never got to watch it because I was working or something that day. The movie is about three friends who take a road trip into BFE Florida to investigate reports on an urban legend. Once they draw near somebody tosses a rock from an overpass, and it hits there windshield. They stop at this gas station/ eatery and ask about the legend to others, They explain to them nobody lives around those parts anymore due to the sinkholes, but they have heard of the feral children legend. The three friends snoop around , and get more than they bargained for. They get captured and realize they are in an abandoned school. They soon realize that other people who either got lost or whatever are locked up with them. The three at first are unaware in order to survive, they have to fight others to the death. This movie surprised me, for a straight to video it had a plot, and the ending will surprise you.

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If you can handle blood and gore then you will love this movie. Extremely thought provoking as you sit there and wonder what mankind is capable of doing when put in a life and death situation. Will they tough it out and fight as one or how long before they break and it becomes survival of the fittest? Be prepared to be surprised as things don't go as you hoped they would. This movie will have you thinking how you would react in a similar situation when pushed to the limit. Will you stay true to who you always thought you were or will you discover a whole new you? This movie is very well made, original concept and extremely captivating. Definitely recommend!

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I was flipping through the channels when I stopped on this movie. It was just starting but immediately I was drawn in. The characters were very well picked. They played the roles magnificently. You could really feel the emotions portrayed. It's very gory and unlike a lot of scary movies they actually show the action impact. I really likes this movie and I don't like a lot of scary movies. My Boyfriend was Scared!! Now that's something! I think this movie should be on the list of "Movies to Die For". By the way the lead female actress was damn good at her role. She played it so well and even reminded me of myself if I were ever in that position. Movies these days miss the point of being genuinely scary and seeing that this was just made in 2014 I thought I wasn't going to be a lot of green screening gone wrong. Than I watched it and I was proved wrong! I admit it! Seriously though, very good movie. I recommend this move to everyone except people that pass out when they see blood because there's a lot of it!

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