Star Odyssey
Star Odyssey
| 26 October 1979 (USA)
Star Odyssey Trailers

Earth is attacked by an intergalactic villain and his army of robotic androids.


I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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Touches You

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Please don't spend money on this.

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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This has to be one of the worst films I've experienced so far from my trusty Mill Creek 50-film 'Nightmare Worlds' pack (on twelve double-sided DVDs, no less), and it did a further injustice at being way too long. Usually these turn out to be just over an hour, so if it's an unpleasant bore, all you have to do is blink and it's over, but this was almost two hours long. There were many ways in which the filmmakers tried to rip off and cash in on much better films--you can tell that their C3PO-type robot, that's supposed to be the perfect bartender, was designed using a garbage can; and the English title distinctly culls from both 'Star Wars' and '2001: A Space Odyssey', both legendary masterworks of the genre. Yet there WERE some interesting ideas of merit, which much better scriptwriters and directors could have really done fine things with (intergalactic auctions of planets being but one of them), so I couldn't discount the film altogether. I'm simply glad it's over and done with, and I will never bother watching it again.In conclusion, it's only worth a look if you REALLY like bad films or sci-fi and don't mind that it's very poorly made--otherwise, give it a wide berth and simply move on.

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The film begins with what might be the crappiest electronic music in the history of movies! Is this is shade of things to come? You betcha! "Star Odyssey" is an Italian film that features really bad acting and amazingly low production values for a sci-fi movie. I saw a dubbed version and perhaps the original was a bit better--but it's still filled with weird and cheap costumes as well as bad camera-work and these are obvious no matter the language. Additionally, the sets look like very simple rooms adorned with just a few trinkets to make it look 'space-agy'. And, one of the few outdoor sets was in a junkyard! The net effect is a film that just almost always looks really cheap--almost like an amateur production (though I did like the villain with the face that looked like a waffle). My favorite bad special effect were the weird glowy eyes--you just have to see them to believe 'em.The plot involves some intergalactic baddie coming to attack the earth with his silly looking robots. Much of the plot frankly confused me--probably because it was so silly and dull I had difficulty staying awake. Plus, I think the film lost a bit in translation.

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Other than the fact that the copy I watched was apparently edited and spliced by a room full of baboons with kindergarten scissors and Scotch tape, this is undoubtedly the worst tripe ever committed to celluloid. (And yes, I've seen "Plan 9") 1. Alien androids in blonde "Monkees" wigs (Hmmm, "Monkees wigs"! Perhaps that has something to do with the roomful of baboons that edited the film?) 2. Alien Overlord with a face like Hellraiser (without the pins and needles) 3. SuperSmart earthling to "save the day" although he, of course, is on the outs with any and all powers-that-be. 4. Special effects from stock footage from WWII and possibly some earthquake footage (mostly in B/W) 5. Two lovesick, depressed, suicidal, paranoid 'droids' (And yes, I know there was 'Marvin, the Paranoid Android' in "Hitchhikers Guide", but that was a comedy....this isn't) 6. Same 'Glowing eyes' from earthling (opens safe by looking at it), alien overlord (renders competing bidder lifeless) and some guy that's supposed to have psychic abilities (capable of anything from seeing thru playing cards to 'total mind control followed by amnesia'). 7. An entire Earth that is completely apathetic to the fact they're about be all become slaves to an alien overlord. 8. Over acting 9. NO acting 10. To borrow a line from 'Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back'... "Script? You mean there's a SCRIPT?" (There are way more than 10, but you get the idea.) *** OK!!! SAVING GRACE!!! The best name for a chemical/material ever in any sci-fi movie. "INTHEORYUM" (In

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Well, as an Italian American, I am obligated to at least try to see the myriad of Italian space flicks; this being one of the worst.I LOVED Mario Bava's Planet of the Vampires, and his other very hip and "neato"(as in "gee that's real neato, Batman!") BUT this one is watchable only for the costumes, the babes, and the pretty good ships effects.I DID love(and still own) War of The Robots", which has a good story and a good "family feeling" among the characters who make up the spaceship crew and their alien allies.If you like hot Italian babes, post "Space 1999" space uniforms, and ships, you will like this film If you want a good story or even a semi-well written one, steer clear of this one!

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