Split Decisions
Split Decisions
R | 11 June 1988 (USA)
Split Decisions Trailers

When a boxer is killed because he wouldn't take a dive, his brother tries to find a way to avenge him even if only symbolically.


Perfectly adorable

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Memorable, crazy movie

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Excellent, smart action film.

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Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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It's hard to believe they actually made this film. What were they thinking? Better yet, what were Gene Hackman, Jeff Fahey, and Jennifer Beals thinking? They do a decent job in the acting area but the plot is so stale it looks like a fight film from the 40s. And the fight scenes are so staged it looks an amateur film. I mean, after "Rocky" we are all used to some pretty good fight scenes where it looks like the guy is actually being hit.If you like fight films there are two good Rocky films, especially the first which I thought was excellent. As they continued to make them they ultimately devalued the original, but at the time I thought it was brilliant. Now that it is a cliché it's hard to remember how powerful the original was. In addition to Rocky I liked "The Fighter" (2010), "Warrior" (2011), "Fight Club" (1999), "Raging Bull" (1980), "Cinderella Man" (2005), "Champion" (1949), and "The Set-up" (1949). Of course I've left out the Kung Fu genre.

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Following a well worn cliché path, "Split Decisions" is far from original, nevertheless I found it entertaining. The three generations of Irish boxers seem to be in constant turmoil, but in the end stand together nicely. Gene Hackman is not the star here, even with top billing. It is Craig Sheffer and Jeff Fahey, as Hackman's sons, who carry the film. Jennifer Beals really has nothing to do, and is totally wasted. Character development is good, and the truncated boxing scenes are exciting............................. If you are willing to accept this revenge in the ring film for what it is, it is very watchable. - MERK

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Spilt Decisions seemed to have had an outstanding cast which should have made this a really good, if not great movie. However, Split Decision turned out to be a dismal failure. The script was ripe with overly stereotyping. The plot line was unbelievable. The acting was over the top and lacked any real emotion or reality. The beautiful, talented, and sexy Jennifer Beals was completely wasted in this mess, as was the legendary Gene Hackman. It seemed that everyone was just going through the motions. I don't know if this movie was a hit at the box-office, but I honestly can't believe it was. If you're a Hackman fan, go rent Bonnie and Clyde, The French Connection, or I Never Sang For My Father, to see Hackman's true acting worth. If you love a great boxing flick, you're better off renting Fat City, The Champion (Kirk Douglas), ROCKY, or Body and Soul (John Garfield), and pass on this major failure of a film.

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Eddie McGuinn is a young amateur boxer who's good enough for the Olympics. His brother Ray also boxes, but he's an egotistical hothead who aligns himself with lowlifes. When the mob tells Ray to lose a fight against "Snake" Pedroza, he refuses, and is killed by mafia thugs and Pedroza himself. As a result, Eddie decides to put his Olympic dreams behind and turn pro so he can fight Pedroza himself, and avenge his brother's death.Simply it is amazing, it may not be one of Hackman's best known films but it is one of his best. A must see.

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