Space Cop
Space Cop
| 13 January 2016 (USA)
Space Cop Trailers

Space Cop is the story of a cop from the future of space who travels back in time to the present and is teamed up with a cop from the past who is unfrozen in the present. Together, they must defeat evil aliens with a sinister plan. Out of time and out of place, these two unwitting heroes must work together to save the world from a group of renegade aliens and the re-animated brain of a mad scientist bent on global extinction.


Masterful Movie

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Absolutely the worst movie.

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A brilliant film that helped define a genre

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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There is a lot to enjoy in this film. A knowledge of film tropes, an enjoying the dynamics of friends making a film a key to the highest level of enjoyment. If you are not familiar with Red Letter Media, it may take a few viewings to let it grow on you. If you like trash films, like friendship or hate cops - this film will be for you!Easy light watching for a night you just want to have a glass of wine & clear your mind. Of special note is the performance of Mike Stoklasa as "past cop". it is easy to find oneself smiling whenever he is on screen. Patton Ozwald is always gr8, playing w/i the same frame for the film. With the right mood, set & setting: a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

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Some parts of this are super funny, others mildly amusing, and a few are big misfires, but that's the case with comedy and ultra low budget movies. The camera work, lighting, and sound were very well done and the soundtrack was great but your enjoyment of this is really going to depend on how you put up with Mike's hammy voice. It's a terrible choice and almost ruins the movie. You can get over it after a while and just enjoy the rest, but he really needed to just play it straight because every time he talks, it's a huge distraction and takes you out of what's going on. And this is despite him being my favourite RLM personality. That said, the movie is much better than I was led to believe and pretty fun overall.

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I would have found this terrible even during the fart joke time of my life. There was nothing clever or funny about it, the story could have had potential, but it was treated so poorly I could not finish it. Yes I tried, I made it to past the hour mark and wanted to improve myself by playing in traffic.This is on the list of the 10 worst Sci-Fi and 10 Worst films I've ever seen. Save yourself the trauma and DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN WATCH THIS DRIVEL!

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This movie was so bad I had to make an account to tell you how bad this movie is.You know how you may figuratively say "That's the worst movie ever made?" This is LITERALLY the worst movie ever made. It's trying to be funny (it's not) and campy and just looks awful. When I was 10 I used to make these awful stop motion movies with Lego figures. That was better than this. The campiness completely fails, the acting completely fails. The writing is horrid. My 4 year old has grabbed my smart phone and made faces into the camera that were better movies than this.

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