R | 13 January 2017 (USA)
Sleepless Trailers

Undercover Las Vegas police officer Vincent Downs, who's got a lot of enemies, is caught in a high stakes web of corrupt cops and the mob-controlled casino underground. When a heist goes wrong, a crew of homicidal gangsters get T, Downs’ teenage son. In one sleepless night, he will have to rescue his son T (whom they got), evade an internal affairs investigation and bring the kidnappers to justice.


A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.

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There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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The Movie Diorama

Granted, I was generally fatigued and knew I shouldn't have watched it but not to worry, I'm always on the case and attempted it again the next day. Was it worth it? No. However! Not nearly as bad as everyone is making it out to be. An undercover officer has his son taken hostage by a ruthless drug lord to which he must deliver a substantial amount of goods in order to release his son. The pure definition of a generic action thriller which substitutes any real thrills for above average cinematography. The latter does enhance the overall appeal to a degree, but if your plot is as thin as Jamie Foxx's serious voice (he literally whispered everything) then really you have nothing to differentiate yourself from other B-movie thrillers. The action wasn't over the top, mostly consisting of cumbersome fist fights and Monaghan high kicking Foxx in the head, which surprisingly I quite enjoyed. I liked the realism. It could've easily turned into a 'John Wick' clone, and yes there is a club shootout, but it settled for a more placid tone. That tone doesn't always work though, as the narrative is slower than an elderly woman realising she's just won the jackpot on a slot machine (hint: pretty damn slow). Nothing really happens. The first two acts were as predictable as anything, although the third act does contain a nice twist in a police car, but not enough to save the film. I loved Monaghan's sassiness, she wasn't taking anything from anyone. Her way or no way, and I would choose her way any day. Yet, again, her performance just wasn't enough. The conclusion was incredibly underwhelming and had the audacity to leave itself open for a sequel. Ha! Hilarious. Sleepless is just too generic for its own good. Not the longest, and certainly not the worst, ninety minutes put to film as I can say with confidence that I did enjoy certain aspects. But as for its entirety, it's as unmemorable as the dream you had when this film put you to sleep.

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Chipper Xavier

Sleepless (2017).Chipper F. Xavier, Esq.Vincent (Jamie Foxx) is a police officer and father who stands in the shadows while his ex-wife Dena (Gabrielle Union) begins life anew with another man who has more time for her and their son Thomas (Octavius J. Johnson). When Vincent's police partner Sean (T.I. Harris) sets up a sting operation with a promise of easy money, Vincent suddenly realizes that his life is headed in the wrong direction.Director Baran bo Odar and writer Andrea Berloff deliver a modern remake of the french film Nuit Blanche (2011) with bombastic results. While Sleepless as an American film is easier to follow for speakers of English, the end result of the re-tooling leaves a lot to be desired.The good: Jamie Foxx delivers great action scenes, even though they aren't unique and strain credulity. He is compelling as a rogue cop, and probably the crucial selling point of such a movie. The bad: Even though the movie is set in Las Vegas, the neon colors, bright lights and extra-loud sound effects fail to distract from the basic lack of direction. Action scenes are piled atop one another like flanks of beef at a butcher's shop, and there is more than enough blood here to fill a few swimming pools. Nearly everyone in the movie is mercilessly shot, pummeled or gonad-squeezed, sometimes more than once. All this violence could be entertaining if shaped and contextualized a bit more, but alas - we're treated to a smorgasbord of it as though we couldn't possibly want for more.Violence has its place at the movies, and can sometimes be entertaining in a cathartic way. The director's job is to give us a reason for the violence, rather than shocking us into submission. Sadly, Sleepless would rather beat us bloody than tickle our fancy - which is a real shame, because this movie could have much more going for it. If you're bored, be sure to check it out - but this movie would probably work better as big-screen-background-noise to a really bitchin' Saturday night party, where viewers just glance over every fifteen minutes and chuckle.

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Washed out storyline could not save this mediocre thriller. Sure it has some moments but the twists are really predictable and the characterization is found in every undercover thriller out there. Jamie Foxx is tough and plays the role pretty well. He is also believable but then its not much of a stretch anyway. David Harbour was good enough bot not up to his standards. Same goes to Michelle Monaghan who was painfully wasted, but hey at least she got a role again. The action scenes are well edited, but the rest of the film lacked in storytelling and was not able to make the audience fully capture to the screen. I was not sleepless during watching this film, actually I was very sleepy...

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Jamie Foxx can you believe this guy has an Academy award.Stories kind of typical Something that I could have filmed in my high school If you're bored and have nothing else to do go ahead But just to let you know by my review you were warmedI sincerely thought it would be a tad better than this

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