Skeleton Man
Skeleton Man
R | 01 March 2004 (USA)
Skeleton Man Trailers

A co-ed group of Special Forces agents search the wilderness for a predator type creature that has been on a killing spree.


Best movie ever!

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.

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I got this movie as part of a "Horror" pack at the grocery store. This is the worst horror movie, but the greatest comedy of all time. It is one of those movies that could have been made in your high school film class, only the high school version would be better. It has one or two decent actors in it, but they can't save a film like this! Basically, a skeleton rides a horse through the woods and attacks people for no reason(though possibly he wants revenge or to protect the burial grounds?) and wears a Wal-Mart costume and trash bag. He carries a broadsword, which apparently Native Americans bought from Crusaders in Europe. The Special Forces team sent to stop him looks more like the front of an L.L. Bean or Abercrombie catalog. Apparently, SEALS and Delta Force use 100 lbs. cheerleaders with long hair for these dangerous missions. The Indian skeleton man warps around with bad graphics, and then ends up killing poor guys in a power station. Finally, they blow him up, even though thousands of bullets couldn't stop him nor explosives for the whole film. He even brought down a chopper with a bow and arrow!!! LOL. This is one of those movies you love to hate. It makes me laugh every time I even think of it. The budget must have been about $50 and a free meal at Denny's to sign on for this project.

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bad writing good cast wooded arrow takes out a rotor on a helicopter come on. Delta force does not fire a shot until 54 minutes in the movie ? It is hard to believe in the cast or the movie when you set it up to fail with bad writing the writer needs to find another job.I gave it a 6 because you have a great cast and the makings of a good movie but you need the audience to believe in the characters and believe they are there and what would they do. I can tell you I would have fired my rifel long before anyone in the film did. The other thing they never actually explain why the Indian betrayed his tribe you need detail on a back story. Well if you are bored I recommend watching this but if there something better on skip it.

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I'll be honest, I knew from the idea that it was not going to be great, but I saw it because I wanted to see if Skeleton Man could at least be better as a movie than the idea it sprung from. No chance of that! Although I have seen about 5 bad SyFy movies in a row, Skeleton Man in my opinion has to be the worst. There have been worse-looking SyFy movies before, but that doesn't excuse the far-too-rapid editing, dull scenery and terrible make-up. There are countless continuity errors as well, including blood appearing and disappearing and scars on one side of a face and one minute on the other side. And Skeleton Man is a joke, and a bad, cheap and completely lacking in menace, and I do think the film could've done at least with an adequate explanation of how the horse could change colour at will. The dialogue is very unfocused and awkward with nothing standing out, the story is an insult even to the word threadbare and is handled in an un-suspenseful and predictable manner complete with numerous and inexcusable mistakes in regard to the military(furthermore showing that SyFy don't do their research properly) and the character are underdeveloped clichés. The acting is poor, with a wooden Casper Van Dien and Michael Rooker trying hard but really this role is beneath him. The climax is completely uninteresting, in fact Skeleton Man's sole bright spot is the protracted scene where Rooker falls down a steep hill. Other than that, the movie is utter garbage. 1/10 Bethany Cox

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Ill be honest. I bought this movie because it was part of a 4 Films Horror Collector's Set for $5 at Walmart. I got past the intro to the movie and realized why I only paid $1.25 for it. This movie is so bad its hilarious! I mean really, what is not to love about a poorly dressed skeleton man running along, shooting his bow and arrows at Helicopters and causing them to crash and explode. This movie has a horrible plot. I fast forwarded past all the boring parts and got to the killings.Reasons the movie is great: 1. Skeleton Man has an arsenal of weapons at his disposal to include: Throwing knives, axes, a long sword, bow and arrow and a spear. Skeleton Man is so great that he can conjure these weapons magically. Imagine him walking towards with nothing in his hands and then BOOM an axe.2. Skeleton Man can divert all bullets by getting on his horse and doing circles. In the movie the special forces team have their guns with unlimited ammo and try to shoot him, but in the end the all miss because Skeleton Man deflected all of them.3. He rides a horse. Not just ANY horse. A brown majestic horse that looked like it was stolen from a farm. Its awesome because he is trying to give demons and their kind a better reputation. Black horses show that they have no taste but a brown horse really says something about that demon's character.4. If Skeleton Man wants something that your standing in front of, he will punch a hole in your stomach, grab the object in question, and pull it through you. Sheer awesomeness.5. Skeleton Man can bring a helicopter down to its knees just by shooting a piece of wood at it. Professional! What other demon do you know of that can take down a copter with a twig? NONE I SAY! This is a movie is perfect for stoners and people who like to laugh at retarded movies.6/10 Because its just so damn funny.

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