Six: The Mark Unleashed
Six: The Mark Unleashed
| 06 May 2004 (USA)
Six: The Mark Unleashed Trailers

Resistance fighters must stop a brutal dictator who uses high tech surveillance to rule the world.



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n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.

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Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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Of course, I'm not surprised by the low critical ratings of this film. But considering what Hollywood is putting out there, I can tell you that this film is, for the most part, better than a lot of the stuff that's being put out.And by the way: If you're going to downgrade a film's rating because you're obviously anti-Christian film, that's being dishonest (and a poor reviewer). Watch the film regardless of the worldview. Then give your view of how the film works and doesn't work. Very few films in the world would deserve only 1 star! And SIX: THE MARK UNLEASHED doesn't deserve that. But from what I've seen of this film, it is a well-made film with good performances, for the most part, and with an ending that I didn't expect. Yes, it is a Christian-made film with an evangelical thrust to it--but not too heavy-handed. What I like most about the film are the manner in which they display Christian characters as normative, and relational, with the backdrop of a supernatural God Who is moving in their midst. The film is set in the future when the timeline of human history is wrapping up.I loved the performances of Stephen Baldwin, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and of special note, Troy Winbush as Lewis who brings a rare honesty and drama to his role as a lost man who finds Christ while in prison. His onscreen conversion is truly inspirational; it's hard not to shed a tear while watching it.I recommend this film. It's not perfect, but it deserves to be classified as an above average film that happens to be made by Christian creators.

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I have no idea why I watched this, because the fact alone that Eric Roberts and Stephen Baldwin are in it is off-putting enough. To summarize in a couple of sentences, the story is set in the future where people are implanted with these chips so that they are "programmed" to be mindless automatons. The "resistance" is a group of imprisoned Bible thumpers. If this is the future, it's a catch-22. Either way, you are "brain-washed" and told what to do. It honestly feels like the manifesto for the tea party movement. I don't think I've cackled with glee at a film in a long, long time. I actually thought it was meant to be a comedy. I kept asking "are they serious? Are they for real?!"I should probably mention that the acting and the dialogue are atrocious. I'm wondering how this ever got made. It really is THAT bad. Please avoid this like the plague.

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There is one problem with Christian movies: They are NOT labeled as Christian movies ("CH" rating or something like that). I have bought this movie discounted, but I still feel like I was robbed. I have expected "immense SF thriller" from "near future, about the mind control and the heroes who are the only hope to remove the dictatorship". What I got is almost two hours cheesy Christian propaganda, way too long, boring, cheesy, single dimensional, no effects, tragic dialogs. If I would be interested in such material, I can get plenty of this for free. There is NO action, NO SF (even Space Truckers are more SF than this!) The view of "God's" or "free" people to "dictatorship" is not even naive, it is complete off track. The "1984" seems absolutely great and thrilling in comparison with this piece of crap. "1984" is depressive, realistic, chilling view into communistic-like future with no chance for individualism and no chance to victory. Here you have totally unrealistic view to dictatorship - enemies are allowed to talk and encourage those who should be terrified by punishment, prison cell walls full of Bible texts, prisoners are dressed clean and allowed to pray etc. etc. The dictatorships DO NOT work that way. If you want to see how real dictatorships work in their "correctional facilities", watch Gray Zone, Killing Fields or Katyn. This is just very neat, very boring, generic Christian brainwash with very standard message: Ye shall be evangelized to the exquisite death by love of Christ and the boredom! So: I want $3 back and 2 hours my life too!

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This movie was horrible, I hate how Christians try to somehow deceptively scare you into their religion with a cheesy sci-fi movie. I also really hate how they make all the atheists look deranged and insane as the Christians actually are. This movie was so horrible unless you want to turn sissy I'd not waste my rental fee or time on this earth watching this horrible stale piece of cheese. This film actually made my Christian friend feel really stupid so thats one good plus. we gave him so much crap about it he hasn't gone to church for months now I think its opened up his eyes of how irrational his silly cult is.

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