Simpang Masa
Simpang Masa
| 30 November 2021 (USA)
Simpang Masa Trailers

The meeting of three 19th century Javanese artists, Ronggowarsito (1802-1873), Mangkunegoro IV (1811-1881), and Raden Saleh (circa 1811-1880). The 19th century was a difficult time for the Javanese. A turbulent century, especially for the Javanese people who had just survived the devastating conflict known as the Java War (1825-1830). After the Java War ended, Java entered a new order that can be called the modern era. The post-Java War and Cultuurstelsel agreement led to a decline in self-confidence, social, economic, political, and cultural.


Excellent but underrated film

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Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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