| 22 October 1999 (USA)
Sherdil Trailers

Sanna is a young girl who wishes nothing else then a very own horse. One day on her way to school she ends up in a stable where three Arabian horses is being held in quarantine.


Amateur movie with Big budget

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The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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Aubrey Hackett

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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Hayleigh Joseph

This is ultimately a movie about the very bad things that can happen when we don't address our unease, when we just try to brush it off, whether that's to fit in or to preserve our self-image.

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I saw this movie for the 1st time in 2003 (i have it recorded from TV) and i just cant believe that lots of people (even the director if she really is it) talks trash about this film.Lets begin talking about the plot, the movie shows the history of a teen girl called Sanna who has school problems, she only has one "friend" and has problems wit her parents, you know...being teenager is not easy.She likes horses and takes riding classes to, so one day she discover near her house a big barn with lots of imported abandoned and horses bought from middle east, she goes in and immediately fall in love with one of them (you know..she likes horses and she find one who has caught specially her attention, its name is SHERDIL.She later will know that all of the horses will be killed without a reason, so she will try to prevent ..How will she get it if she has a lot of problems ??? I will not tell you the rest of the story cause i do not want to write spoilers here, but is basically a sweet history with has action, adventures and you can be sure that you will have a relax time watching this film.In general, this film looks like MADE FOR TV cause tells a simple history and probably is not too deep to be considered a MOVIE, but i can definitely tell you that IS NOT a bad movie. This is just a sweet story and if you are a sensitive person you will also cry... The message that this film gives is really nice and sweet, and talking about the technical aspects is pretty well filmed and well acted, so i do not see what is wrong with this film- Ignore the bad reviews, i have seen a lot of times this film and i can tell you that is pretty good !!!! Do not be afraid and watch it. And for all of those "bad reviewers" of this film, if you really want to watch bad movies just check those stupid Disney channel movies which that made for kids channel make in these days or even Mexican new movies, All of the are bad movies but not this one, i think that a lot of people have been very hard with this cute film.

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I am sorry to say it, but this has to be one of the worst disappointments of my entire life.As a horse owner for more than ten years, I have in fact read many books about girls and horses of the same kind that this movie is supposed to be based on.However, those stories always had a point--the girl would do *anything* for the horse, even if that involved getting dirty, losing her friends, forgetting about school and her homework and get loathed by the boys. Another important thing is the realism when it comes to the treatment of the horses. The authors of these books and stories often have lots of experience with horses themselves, and the stories use to contain lots of useful advice, no matter if the stories itself sometimes come out a bit unrealistic.But this movie fails on all points. The main character is weak (surprisingly awful acting from the main characters--if you can talk about acting at all!), and I would not have allowed her to get near any of my horses. The (rather non-existent) story is flawed, unrealistic and also contains lots of continuity errors. The car-crash scene must be one of the most awkward scenes in the entire history of film making. I mean, for God's sake, if she had any knowledge whatsoever about horses, why on EARTH did she try to bike with the horse in tow?!!! And what makes it even more awkward is that when it's supposed to be dramatic, and the horse is "running away" with her, he's merely trotting, the halter-strap is not even tense!And the fact that she's wearing a white, pure summer dress throughout the entire movie and that it is her love interest who saves them all in the end--well, that's just sickening.But the most upsetting scene is no doubt when the horse nearly dies, and she just stands there, her dress still white and unstained, holding the halter strap, yelling "help, help"... in a so not convincing way...The only positive thing about the movie is all the beautiful horses. But not even these will make it worth seeing. I feel sorry for them, having to act in this poor excuse for a film.If you like this kind of stories that this film is supposed to be based upon, go read the story itself instead. Don't waste any time or money on this movie.

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Renaldo Matlin

* CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS *I shall admit I sat down to watch this ONLY because it starred Rebecka Liljeberg, after she made an emotional impact on me (and thousands of others) in Lukas Moodysson's masterpiece "Fucking Åmål".But "Sherdil" was as far from "Fucking Åmål" as humanly possible. An un-original and paper-thin story about a girl and a horse, with poor directing and several laughable errors in continuity - example: four cops jump out of their patrol cars wearing blue shirts, cut to: same cops running wearing black jackets!And then there's the horror of watching a good actor like Fredrik Dolk turning in an unbelievable performance as an uncredible military officer complete with obvious fake sideburns (definitely NOT part of the army dress code). And to top it all of: a ludicrous finale with a girl being chased by army choppers loaded with snipers!Rebecka IS beautiful but the script leaves her with no room to ACT. I can only guess she starred in "Sherdil" only to help out her director boyfriend David Flamholc, knowing her name would lure idiots like me to see it.

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