Shadows on the Wall
Shadows on the Wall
| 10 December 2014 (USA)
Shadows on the Wall Trailers

A modern day sci-fi about Palmer Marshall, a struggling engineering student that’s flailing through his personal life, classes, and career. Palmer is on the cusp of a potentially huge discovery and he devotes every waking moment to the challenging, and often fruitless, pursuit of creating something that might change the world. But Palmer soon learns that the road to success is long and fraught with failure. Despite crippling anxiety and personality disorders, Palmer perseveres and creates the one – the dream machine that he’ll be remembered for.


The greatest movie ever!

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Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful

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Best movie ever!

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It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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The level of ignorance regarding science and technology in this film is insulting. Ben Carland, who wrote, directed, produced and edited this waste of effort, apparently couldn't be bothered to write dialogue that would allow for suspension of disbelief. It is as though he doesn't even know what a power button does. The notion that a person can be "a whiz" at putting together electronics, at the component level, without knowing any math, is beyond ridiculous. There are some math like scribbles that use actual notation, but all related dialogue is gibberish, and the drawings are nonsense. But that's not all. On every level (writing, acting, directing, etc.) this movie is a failure. But it's not all bad, since it's not *the worst* acting I've ever seen, and there's no "kissy face" or "baby's mama drama".

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The problem for a lot of us is that the label 'Full Length Sci-Fi Movie' implies the whole panoply of FX and Sets and lots of explosions and zaps.When sometimes, it's just the Idea and the People caught up in it.This movie takes an old school idea from the 50's & 60's: The Obsessed Inventor who discovers Something Incredible.If you remind yourself that the PC originated on a workbench in someone's garage from tinkered circuit boards...then Palmer is a believable character: The super Nerd with a healthy side of Asperger. These people have always been around...we just have a Medical Term for it now.The interplay off his brother Chase and his tutor/helper Mathematician Alice is actually realistic for a couple of College opposed to 30+ Actors playing a cool suave rendition of what they think they remembered Teenage-hood to be like.The Machine is extensive and engrossing just in its messy expanse. And NO-- there are no wowzy FX when it turns on....Have you ever watched electronics? When the electricity is on: transistors just...sit there. Heck--Even the Super Collider just Hums when they flip the switch. So I applaud the camera work for trying to add expectant know SOMETHING is going to happen as the inventors keep arguing and worrying as they reach further outwards.When the Something Happens...if you're old enough, it should remind you of the old Outer Limits. The Inventor's Machine knocked on a Door...and SOMETHING is Knocking Back....And they can't turn it off.The rest of the movie gave me a few well crafted chills as the inventors realized they were in the middle of something incredible, something they no longer controlled...something dangerous. And they didn't know what to do....And now they're scared.I am fairly certain that the Director of this movie KNEW and had Watched the old Out-Limits. He studied an old formula that chilled millions and recreated it. My only regret is that the director wasn't able to throw in an Old Outer-limits spook background theme when things started opening up for some authentic audio chills. Otherwise, I find that these guys pulled off a Very Very good Movie on a Budget of Next to Nothing.This isn't a Main-event type movie...but it needs to be watched at night with nachos and pop. A Friday Night after a grueling week when you just want to wind down would be best. And it needs to be COLD when you watch it, so turn up the AC if it's summer.I say rent this one. Suspend your Belief...and wonder: What could POSSIBLY be LISTENING Beyond the Edge of the Universe?

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"Have a Coke", make some popcorn, relax and suspend disbelief. The unlikely unfolding of events and less-than award-winning acting is part of the fun of this kind of film — very much in the genre of the 1950's science fiction movies.Here are science-y people doing impossible, scientific-like things with technological-looking hardware which results in unforeseeable consequences of cosmic proportions. But, unlike modern "sci-fi" movies that rely heavily on computer-generated worlds, violence and prurience, this little film relies almost completely on plot and characters. That makes for a terrific bit of entertainment in my book.(I put "sci-fi" in quotes as most films of that kind today rely almost entirely on magic with not even the suggestion of anything scientific.)

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I'll try to be honest and short here - it's another Primer wannabe movie, great idea and a very mediocre execution with total lack of technical detail thru the movie itself. Also, can anyone here explain me the one thing please - is it a nowadays trend with hysterical characters not capable of logic and proper reactions anymore? I remember the nearly same rant about Prometheus characters acting like hysterical amateurs and the proper crew in original Alien movie. Anyway, as i've previously mentioned the core idea behind the movie is great, and with a proper execution it can be a very nice top notch scifi movie, so don't take my prejudices too serious (because its just another someone's opinion on the internet) and watch that one for yourself.

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