Sexy Sisters
Sexy Sisters
| 01 September 1977 (USA)
Sexy Sisters Trailers

Edna keeps her younger sister Millie drugged and chained to her bed. The drugs have made Millie a nymphomaniac who's endless supply of men that Edna providers her cannot satisfy her and seeing her sister unsatisfied gets Edna off. But Edna's main plan from all of this is to inherit her deceased parents' fortune which is supposed to all go to Millie on her 21st birthday, so if she can prove Millie insane she will get the fortune. But when one of the men appears to satisfy Millie, Millie discovers the outside world and the two will try to stop Edna's evil plans.


Who payed the critics

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Sadly Over-hyped

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Excellent, a Must See

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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Nigel P

Eyebrow-less Karine Gambier ('Women in Cellblock 9') plays Milicent Antonia von Stein, or Milly, chained to her bed to help cure her 'condition'. She is a nymphomaniac of course, an affliction brought about by child abuse. If this were not bad enough, she is kept prisoner by her sister, Countess Edna Luise Von Stein played by Pamela Stanford. We shouldn't expect any deep analysis of Milly's appalling situation of course, but even by Spanish 'Eurotrash' Director Jess Franco, this is shocking stuff. Usually, I would say that 'eurotrash' is unnecessarily dismissive of his work, but this fits the bill completely. Bored sounding actors dub the characters' voices (Jack Taylor - or Tyler, as he is billed - plays Dr. Charles Barnes, a thriving hetero-sexual, dubbed with a very fey voice), often talking over each other, and events move along purely to place characters in positions where they can have sex with as many other characters as possible. Unless you find 70's simulated porn enjoyable, much of this film is a drab experience.In one such event, Milly, who is fed a succession of lovers to assuage her desires, kills one of the men brought to her. The character of Joe (Kurt Meinicke) then professes his love for her and vows to free her. These fleeting moments take place between ongoing sex scenes, often culminating with the chained Milly writhing around on her bed.Writer and collaborator Erwin C. Dietrich eschews the traditional isolated prison setting of his usual forays into Franco territory, but also stops short of bothering to intersperse the softcore scenes with much of a narrative. I can't complain about this - after all, who the hell am I? This is not much more than a porn flick and does its job very adequately. Gambier in particular gives a very uninhibited performance. I'm surprised she wasn't in more Franco films, although she had a prolific career in 'skin-flicks'. If you are aware of the trappings before watching - and the title gives the tone away - you won't be disappointed. If you're expecting to be distracted by anything outside of that, I can't really recommend this.As usual with Dietrich collaborations, the budget is such that locations - both interiors and exteriors - look impressive. Walter Baumgartner's music ranges from a background jazzy dirge to light-hearted ragtime. And then it ends with such alarming haste that it seems everyone just lost interest. More likely, the running time (85 minutes) was filled, and Milly's story was brought to an end.

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Horst in Translation (

"Die teuflischen Schwestern" or "The Devilish Sisters" or "Sexy Sisters" or "Satanic Sisters" or "Swedish Nympho Slaves" is a German-language film from 1977, so this one will have its 40th anniversary this year. It is one of the films famous Spanish director Jesús Franco made in Switzerland and for which he collaborated with Swiss writer Erwin C. Dietrich. If you know a bit about Franco, you know exactly what to expect here. And what you expect is what you get. Lots of nudity and sexuality, several sex scenes, a decent deal of violence and all of this in the frame of a somewhat dramatic story, which never really makes sense though or has any realistic feeling whatsoever attached to it where you would think that this could indeed happen in real life. The film runs for 85 minutes approximately and tells the story of a nymphomaniac woman held captive against(?) her will by her equally sex-obsessed sister and an evil doctor. Well.. actually, everybody seems sex-obsessed in here and the way they are trying to sell us the story of a knight in shining armor towards the end is really cringeworthy. But luckily for the audience, you never have the feeling that Franco takes himself and his film seriously whatsoever. It is sexploitation and there is no deeper meaning behind it. As usual, Franco serves all tastes as the one major character is a blonde (who did nothing for me though) and the other is a truly hut brunette (yummy). You always need to be horny in advance to really enjoy 95% of Franco's works and it definitely helps here too. Oh and make sure your girlfriend is not sitting next to you. Or have her join in at the action. Finally, however, from a cinematic perspective, I really cannot recommend the watch. It's just above-average porn.

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After recently talking about another film from auteur film maker "Uncle" Jess Franco,my dad revealed that he had picked up an Uncle Jess DVD due to thinking that it was the type of thing that I would like (I'm still not sure if that is a good or bad thing!)With Easter coming up,I decided that it was time to meet Uncle Jess's sisters.The plot:Diagnosed with nymphomania, Milicent Antonia von Stein gets tied to the bed by her sister Edna von Stein,Since being raped in her childhood,Milicent has experienced strange sexual dreams,which lead to her finding it tough to tell dreams and reality apart.Written out of the family will by her dad,Edna starts making plans to use Milicent's nymphomania to make her dream a reality.View on the film:Backed by a slick Jazz score from Walter Baumgartner,director Uncle Jess & cinematographer Peter Baumgartner bathe the title in groovy hues,as shimmering shadows are cast across to give a fractured view of the sisters relationship.Covering the walls with eye-catching paintings of cats,Uncle Jess unleashes his famous zoom-in button to cross sexploitation with late 70's "happenings",as steamy sex scenes are blended with psychedelic flashbacks to Milicent's childhood.Whilst the movie does focus on the flesh of its stars,the screenplay by Erwin C. Dietrich does help to keep Jess on track,due to the mind games and "troubled" relationship that Edna has with Milicent being gradually revealed with each sexual encounter.Reuniting with Jess,the very pretty Pamela Stanford gives a mischievous lip-curling performance as Edna von Stein,as Uncle Jess meets his sexy sisters.

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The extremely prolific director Jess Franco chronically had a problem with coherent plotting for his movies, but for "Sexy Sisters" he found a rather drastic solution to the problem: he dispensed with plotting altogether! Nothing happens in this movie that couldn't have happened in a total of, say, 10 minutes - the other 75 are taken up by long sex scenes, both lesbian and straight. Unfortunately, these scenes are more explicit than erotic, despite Karine Gambier's thoroughly uninhibited performance - after a certain point in his career, Franco's approach became too "gynecologistical" for my tastes. Your mileage may vary. ** out of 4.

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