| 14 April 2011 (USA)
Senjakala Trailers

Just after the tragic death of her fiance, Karlina (Liyana Jasmay) encounters strange dreams that call upon her return to her mother’s village. Out of curiosity, Karlina and her best friend Isabella decide to head to the village and strange things start to occur almost instantly. Karlina then learns about her family’s history from a recluse yet handsome villager named Armand (Zahiril Adzim). She finds out that her mother ran away from the village to stay away from a ‘haunting presence’ (‘saka warisan’) passed down by her grandmother. The ‘haunting presence’ had attacked Karlina’s father years back when Karlina’s mother refused to accept her legacy. Karlina then struggles to discover the mysteries that lie within her family curse, and whether she will be next to inherit ‘it’.


I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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The horror genre has been used far too many times to milk the money out of the Malaysians moviegoers. It's getting to a point of not merely annoyance, but to rage & anger! Come on, why can't film producers come up with better ideas than to just create a horror films? Are they not thinking outside the box? Or are they just blatantly oblivious to the fact that they are more than just horror genre worthy of cinema? And to top it all off, this film did not even deliver the scare factor! The ending can be figured out just 15minutes into the film, and there were no horrifying scenes, except for some comical moments when the ghosts chose to make themselves appear.I'll tell the story in my review, so as to save others the time & money of having to watch it.This film is of a girl who felt that she has to return to her hometown, and she brought her friend with her.She soon discover that the reason of this is because the ghost is calling to be with her! How pathetic! Then something & something, she was haunted by the ghost. But thanks to the villagers, she can rid of the ghost before the ghost causes more harm to her. End of story.I'd rather be watching paint dry, or counting stars at night, than having to spend it watching this pile of turd.

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