Secrets of War
Secrets of War
| 31 May 2015 (USA)
Secrets of War Trailers

Tuur and Lambert are best friends. But the war is closing in and is about to change their lives forever. Tuurs dad joined the resistance and even his big brother seems so be part of it. Lamberts family on the other hand choose to obey the Germans. Then a new girls from the city shows up, befriending the boys but telling her secret to only one of them. A choice that separates the boys and ultimately gets her in trouble.


What makes it different from others?

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The greatest movie ever made..!

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Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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This review contains info which some may consider spoilers. This movie could have been great, but the Tuur character was often annoyingly stupid & hot-headed, almost as if he has emotional problems. The complications from the seem unnecessarily, except that's the only way the plot moves forward. The coming of age portion of the story is almost completely overshadowed by this. At times I found it difficult to care about the character. The character of Lambet on the other hand shows more depth and development. It's much easier to watch as he learns to navigate Holland during the early part of Nazi occupation. He doesn't go through the stupid stage to suddenly being more mature and it is much easier to become invested in his story I'm glad I didn't pay to see it, but glad I watched it on Netflix.

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Very sensitive and touching story of early adolescence and the awakenings in three young teens to the good and the bad in the world around them. We see two boys who are friends in everything separated by the different attitudes of their families toward the German occupation. The boys' relationship is complicated by the arrival in their village of a new face, a girl from Amsterdam who quickly becomes a pal. The film shows the grim, complex consequences of the occupation on the Dutch people. Some passively accepting what they feel they must, some actively cooperating with the new authorities and some trying to resist.We finally get a glimpse of the effects of the Nazi occupation on the Jews of Holland. Although the actual horrors of the Holocaust are not directly shown, the story and acting make clear the final result.The cinematography is beautiful. The acting and direction are first rate. I enthusiastically recommend this movie.

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Abigail Smith

This coming-of-age story is acted and executed brilliantly. With WWII is looming over their heads, the three central characters in this story continue to live a fairly normal childhood--mastering the art of friendship, experiencing first love, and catching glimpses of enchantment and make-believe only available to the very young. One small act of jealousy, however, changes everything, and they are forced to grow up far too soon.The plot is so believable it breaks your heart; the loyalty that endures throughout makes this movie a timeless classic. As for the subtitles (for us English speakers), I hardly noticed them, and my three-year-old daughter understood what was happening without any decipherable words at all.

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I cannot vote because I need to see the film first ! This seems not possible here in Canada at present. Can you supply a viewing privilege or purchase of the CD ? I am currently living outside the Montreal area and foreign films are shown in Montreal movie houses frequently. But to wait could take ages and I would really prefer to see it as soon as is possible because, as you can see from my age, time flies ! The rest I need to fill because of the minimum requirement which obviously makes me a vociferous person ! So I have to resort to a filler of sorts to satisfy this preprogrammed requirement, which I am desperately trying to meet (not being a man of many words !)

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