Secrets of Eden
Secrets of Eden
PG | 04 February 2012 (USA)

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Based on Chris Bohjalian’s New York Times best-selling novel, “Secrets of Eden” centers on Stephen Drew, an adored small-town minister, and the brutal and sadistic murder-suicide of Alice and George Hayward, the town’s most beloved parishioners. Dark secrets begin to surface.


The Worst Film Ever

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Brilliant and touching

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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This is a surprisingly good film for an afternoon movie. My husband and I kept changing our minds about who had done it. There is a surprise at the end which we hadn't seen coming.When there is an apparent murder/suicide in a small town, the detective who investigates finds evidence of an affair between a rather attractive pastor and the deceased woman.The town scenes are attractively portrayed. The acting was very good all round and looking back there are clues along the way. The flashbacks were occasionally a bit confusing but at the end they seem to fit in with what has happened. Some of the flash backs were quite chilling and the pastor's calm persona was quite creepy at times.I didn't expect much from an afternoon movie but this is well above average.

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This is not half-bad as something you might watch casually while taking care of other things.John Stamos is interesting as a rather smarmy pastor looking to stand out more than he could in New York City by taking a pulpit in a picture-perfect New England town.Sonya Salomaa, a stunning Christie Brinkley look-alike, does well as the miserable housewife who falls for his charms.And Anna Gunn convinces as a detective laboring under a DA who cares nothing about the facts of a murder and only about his political prospects.I caught the subtle foreshadowing of the movie's surprise conclusion. Even so, my goosebumps surprised me.

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I thought John Stamos was great in this. I had it on my DVR forever and finally decided to watch it. As someone who grew up watching her "father" abuse her mother, this one was a little tough for me. Did my "father" go as far as George did, not that I'm aware of, but it doesn't matter. George got what he deserved, and I couldn't stop myself from clapping and I was proud that his daughter didn't regret giving it to him and was not punished for it. It really doesn't need to be said that the wife shouldn't have taken George back, and that she shouldn't have kept proclaiming that George really did love her and that he didn't want to hurt her. It didn't look like he loved her to me, and he certainly wanted to hurt her. This was obviously a woman with no self worth, and when the pastor was no longer willing to play house while she was married to George, she figured that it was he who didn't really love her and that she should go back to the man who had no problem with breaking her arm and beating her senseless because he really did love her despite all that. In one scene she seems almost nonchalant after George apparently beat her head against a picture frame on a brick wall. How pathetic. I had sympathy for her, but she was so pathetic and useless and I didn't understand why she couldn't understand that George did not love her. Even if she decided to stay, why play dumb? Did she think he loved her while he was choking the life out of her too? Anyway, I figured all along that it was the daughter. I was 99% sure.

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This movie boils down to moral justification for murder.It deals with a female police detective obsessed with the idea that young town pastor put a bullet through the head of a man when he found out that the husband had strangled his wife. Of course, the pastor was carrying on an affair with the woman.The usual subjects of spousal abuse appears with an insanely jealous husband.The ending will throw you for a surprise but the film seems to go awry with the flashbacks. Perhaps, what was needed was many more suspects instead of concentrating on the pastor. It almost appears to obvious to be true.

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