Scream queens
Scream queens
| 22 September 2015 (USA)
Scream queens Trailers

The super-charged comedy-horror series can be today's take on the traditional whodunit with a killer cast.


What makes it different from others?

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It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.

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Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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"Scream Queens" is one of the three 2015-2016 attempts to make a slasher TV series; the others are "Slasher" and "Scream". None of them are quite as good as 2009's "Harper's Island", at least in their first seasons, but they all have their strengths. If "Slasher" was the most serious one (95% horror, 5% comedy) and "Scream" was self-aware in the manner of the movies (50% horror, 50% comedy), "Scream Queens" is their most openly satirical, sometimes even cartoonish cousin (30% horror, 70% comedy). Its satire of the popularity-obsessed social-media culture is spot-on, even if after three-four episodes you may get the feeling that it keeps making the same satirical points over and over; it does get excessively talky (and pop-reference-heavy) on occasion. But it does have an intricate, labyrinthine plot which is tied up in a neat little bundle by the end of the first season. The casting is excellent (Emma Roberts is brilliantly sarcastic, Skylar Samuels is really beautiful, Bilie Lourd has a great deep voice, "Chad" the stud and "Denise" the security officer-cum-chief of police are very funny, etc.), and the soundtrack features a superb collection of classic pop hits. *** out of 4.

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Smoreni Zmaj

I have no idea how to describe this madness except by MUST WATCH !!! It is parody of horrors, with caricatured characters and sick dialogues, but with plot that keeps you watching more and more. I would not expect anything less of American Horror Story makers. This is one of the most entertaining things I ever saw. I refrain from giving it 10/10 because it still can not go in same rating with masterpieces like How to Get Away With Murder or Californication.* * * *I just finished second season and I deeply wish that this show never ends. It's damn super-fun. Parody to horror stereotypes with references to bunch of cult movies and shows and everything packed so stupidly exaggerated that it must be work of genius. Characters are great, cast even better and Jamie Lee Curtis is simply perfect. You'll attach to these irritating characters in no time and you'll enjoy loving and hating them at the same time. Warm recommendation.8,5/10

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M. K.

Needed something to watch and this show came up. Didn't expect it to be THIS good, but after all I do find Scary Movies and such movies entertaining. This isn't scary, but it sure is ridiculously over the top at times in a funny way and I really like it. 80's music also fits well! Casting is mostly spot-on. One, probably stupid thing, that is annoying me is how Skyler Samuels pronounces 'something' as 'somethink'. Also most actors say 'other THEN' instead 'other than'... A very small, but irritating thing for me. Otherwise, it's a nice show and I hope it gets many seasons.

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Fox Network are onto a good thing with Scream Queens. Its a camp, slasher horror that has all the right ingredients. Its the mix of camp satire of the modern age and its material shallowness, combined with a solid revisiting of the classic 80's slasher flick that gets this show cooking. There's strong flavours of Friday the 13th and Halloween on offer. Indeed, the producers even had the good sense to include icon of classic slasher flick Halloween, Cathy Lee Curtis, in the series. Curtis also has a natural talent for comedy, that comes across in spades in this series. She's a great choice for the cast. As is relative newcomer, Emma Roberts and co do a wonderful job as the absurdly shallow and snotty sorority girls, The Chanel's. Season two has just started and I cannon't wait to take a look. Eight out of ten from me.

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