| 22 June 1984 (USA)
Scarab Trailers

Dr. Wilfred Manz performs a magical experiment on a beetle-shaped amulet. His patience exhausted, he smashes his fist into some bottles and a few drops of blood fall onto the scarab. His laboratory is rocked by an explosion, the god Khepera appears and Manz is transformed into a demi-god magician. Thirty years later, Manz has assumed the name Khepera and lives in mysterious castle. Using his magical powers, he is killing heads of government and causing the collapse of major financial institutions. Jack Murphy, an American correspondent, witnesses the pandemonium following the suicide of the Spanish prime minister and notices an attractive nurse, Elena, take a small scarab which has fallen from the prime minister's lapel. Later, he visits an occult shop where the scarab is identified as being associated with the Egyptian god, Khepera. Murphy is captured and Elena — who was tricked into sacrificing her brother when they were children — once more takes up the sacrificial dagger...


This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.

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Sorry, this movie sucks

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Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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If you watch this movie with any seriousness at all, you will suffer. If you watch it and try not to laugh, you may be surprisingly entertained. Try not to laugh at most of the death scenes. Try not to laugh at Ginty trying to act. Try not to laugh at abrupt and inappropriate jump cuts and transitional scenes, including the ending, that has sexy sax music played over it. If you watch it that way, as I did, by the Scarab, you will be entertained!

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This bizarre Spanish horror yarn gets by through just being so darned unusual. Some inspired scenes of craziness had my jaw dropping on the floor, but at other times the film is so bad that it makes you want to laugh or fast-forward, depending on how funny you find bad movies to be. SCARAB is a film that walks a fine line between genius and silliness, but I think it pays off in the end as a fun viewing experience. You won't find many films like this around, that's for sure.Imported American lead Robert Ginty is the offbeat hero, an unlucky reporter whose persistence almost leads to his death. Now, Ginty is not like your usual action heroes (handsome, athletic, etc) yet he carved a niche for himself as a dependable lead in the '80s. He certainly attempts to invest his various characters with drive, determination, and emotion, and I admire his work, so his presence is a plus for me. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for Rip Torn as the chief villain, a crazed cult leader who dresses in ancient robes and masks and does all sorts of weird things. Torn's hammy and unthreatening turn makes him one of the less memorable screen villains.The opening scene itself is a weird one, as a scientist who is experimenting on a scarab causes a god to appear (!) after dripping blood on the beetle. Here, the special effects take the form of negative images and the like, so you know that the effects men were imaginative but challenged when it comes to the budget. What follows is a series of cool suicide scenes in which various political/important figures suddenly snap and violently murder themselves, usually in front of an audience. These scenes unmistakably reminded me of the moment when the American Ambassador blows his own head off with a shotgun in OMEN III: THE FINAL CONFLICT.In a nice touch reminiscent of an Italian gialli, Ginty finds himself pursuing a mysterious nurse through cobbled streets after seeing her at one of the public suicides. He is repeatedly stopped in his attempts. Meanwhile, interspersed with the thriller aspects are some dodgy scenes of writhing, naked women presided over by the deranged Torn, all taking place in weird expressionistic sets which mainly look cheap and nasty. After one woman begs Torn to be her lover, she turns into a sow and an evil laughing old woman apparition appears! You have to see it to believe it.After this point the film begins to make less and less sense. In a desperate attempt to meet up with the nurse, Ginty rides his motorbike on to a train (!) and finally joins forces with her to combat evil. They travel to the girl's house to have tea with her mother, who is then killed by masked assassins. Bizarrely, the girl shows absolutely no remorse - or indeed sadness - at the death of her mum, instead running off with Ginty to find Torn and his cult. Oh yeah, and she also has the power to heal people through touch alone (?).Well, this movie doesn't make ANY sense, but I enjoyed it anyway. There are some great visuals, like when Ginty and his companion encounter a street full of smoking corpses (I don't know what they were doing there but they looked cool all the same). Another cool scene has our heroes attacked by flaming arrows but repelling them through magic to explode the attackers. Ginty puts an egg in his beer and delivers one of his oddest performances yet. In the film's highlight in my opinion, he's nonchalantly walking down the street (wearing dated headphones no less) when he is attacked by an assailant who can blow things up and shoot bullets from his finger! Havoc ensues, and it's all very weird and cool to watch, even if I didn't understand what was going on.The supporting cast is a better-than-most one for a production filmed in Spain. For example we have stalwart Brit performer Donald Pickering popping up as a blackmailed banker, and the bug-eyed Marty Feldman lookalike Jose Lifante (from THE LIVING DEAD AT THE MANCHESTER MORGUE) as an occult bookstore owner. Cristina Sanchez Pascual is the unusually heroic female lead and puts Ginty's weakling to shame! Although the probability is that you won't understand it, I enjoyed SCARAB for what its worth as an offbeat, very eccentric horror-cum-foreign adventure yarn. Worth checking out.

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SCARAB handles some form of plot in which Rip Torn gets possessed by the spirit of an ancient evil Egyptian sorcerer and Robert Ginty, as a reporter with unorthodox ways, sets out to unravel the mystery. Exactly, who in his right mind would not give this movie a go? So let this count as a warning: Do not give in to the temptation to watch this film. You're mental health might never recover from it. I mean, look at me: I'm rating this grotesque, imbecilic, deranged, illogical, senseless, utterly unpredictable and completely incomprehensible drivel 8/10. But I'm doing better already, because I initially wanted to grant it 10/10 scarabs!I seriously doubt that anybody involved in the making of this film – especially the director – had any clue about what they were even trying to accomplish. SCARAB's ways are totally unfathomable, and that – in my humble opinion – defines its uniqueness in the field of film-making at its worst. So, Rip Torn – actually Khepera reincarnated – lives in some castle ruins up some mountain. His indoors day job seems to be going for world domination, using his inexplicable, magical ways, by sending out cursed scarabs to several political figures holding key-positions in the land who ultimately end up all committing suicide, because they simply go berserk. In his spare time Khepera seems to enjoy random surreal madness: Dancing around naked girls, holding sacrifices, toying with snakes, orchestrating mind-boggling special effects and – best of all – preparing to have sex with gorgeous Euro-babes who suddenly turn into some hideous female mermaid-pig monstrosity because some old ghostly hag (appearing on the right side of the screen for no apparent reason) has the power to do so. Then Rip"Khepera"Torn gets angry and spits white, foamy vomit at the old witch's face and... it's back to world domination for him the next day. Or at least that's what you think he's out for. But wait until you learn about his real motives, or more specifically: The one actual reason why he's making a complete mess of this movie. Of course it involves very fun things like incest, sacrificial slaying, naked dancing and whatnot's.Half of the fun comes from the things people say and do, like taking illogical actions or mumbling stupendous dialogues that don't make a lick of sense. So can you imagine how irrational some of the content and imagery of this film will be then? This is where the other half of the fun comes in. We got an old dude popping up on the streets at random moments, pointing his finger at Robert Ginty and then things just explode, catch fire, cars crash or bullets start flying around people's ears. There's a nun who turns out to be a witch – a good warlock actually, and if you don't believe that, I'll tell you something else – who teams up with Robert Ginty and turns out to be Rip Torn's daughter (that's where the incest comes in later on, folks). There's a rotating hotel door suddenly bursting into ghostly flames for no reason whatsoever with nobody around to see it happen. There's Robert Ginty driving his motorcycle straight into a train, only to go hang out at the bar with the mysterious witch/nun and deliver us some of the most horrendous acting of his entire career. And best of all, an entire ghost town gets introduced with dead people lying all over the main street and we have absolutely no idea how all of that suddenly happened... and then it's onto the next scene in which nun/witch goes to her mommy, introduces her to her new-found boyfriend Ginty, and they decide to get all drunk on Schnaps liquor, the three of them very much knowing that a demented Rip Torn is up there in his castle, somehow turning this world into some sort of demonic inferno. I mean, seriously, just merely try to imagine that. And the next day (What? No sex-scene? Oh right, Ginty was too drunk to *beep*), two of Khepera's minions turn up, shooting fiery arrows, mommy dearest bites the dust, we get a moronic display of good vs. evil magic and the whole place goes up in flames. Seeing is believing, I tell you. Go watch SCARAB.The climax – set in the castle ruins atop the mountain – includes Ginty strangling a demoniacally possessed female with evil eyes hanging upside down, a ridiculously staged bloody sword-fight between two guardians, incestuous insinuations between Rip Torn and his nun/witch daughter (both of them wearing hilariously cool make-up), Ginty in a coffin, some sacrificial ceremony with dazzling effects and... Christ, I can't go on with this anymore. This movie is insane. I need some time to recover. Ask me about it again next week, and hopefully it'll be down to 2 out of 10 scarabs for this one.

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Some illuminated scientist awakens an Egyptian entity. The scientist becomes the evil guru of a sect of killer fanatics who's goal is to eliminate the most powerful men in the world.Robert Ginty is a reporter. He finds out that the victims all have a little scarab-shaped amulet on them. The scarab turns out to be the symbol of some Egyptian cult....Pretty bad movie. Badly directed and badly played. The only cool thing about this movie is the Egyptian rituals with lots of half naked babes dancing like crazy among an extremely fake looking set. Oh, and there is this guy, who shoots bullet with his finger. Nonsense.

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