Safe Men
Safe Men
| 17 August 1998 (USA)
Safe Men Trailers

Two untalented singers are mistaken for a pair of major league safe crackers in Providence, Rhode Island. The two are pressed into service by the local hoodlums and quickly find themselves in conflict with their professional colleagues. Romantic interest is added by the daughter of the underworld leader who won't date the men she knows are gangsters.


Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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Overrated and overhyped

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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This film reminds me a bit like Bad Santa.. no real plot, no attempt to do anything great, but the understatement and unpredictable flow of the movie just keeps your attention. Lots of little quirky and unconnected plot moments that make you chuckle. Put it this way, any director that puts the spaghetti in the tub kid from Gummo in a movie has got a sense of humor just slightly twisted enough to be worthy of note. The wide disparity of reviews, mostly either 2 or 10 doesn't surprise me. Some people will get it, some won't.

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If you like extremely witty dialog humor and situational comedy then this is certainly the movie for you. This one requires at least four viewings to catch all the funny little lines. I do not collect movies. There are very few I care to watch more than once or twice. However, I own this one and have watched it about 25 times. I love turning friends/family onto it. Haven't had a "rejection" yet! Extremely quotable movie. It is no wonder that the main actors as well as the writer/director in this Indie film all have major careers in Hollywood now. If you like gag humor and think "That 70's Show" is funny... stay away from this one... you won't get it.

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I'm not getting into the specifics, as many here have written absolutely great comments to detail how extremely incredible this Indy treasure is. Not to mention the astounding cast; Sam Rockwell, Steve Zahn, Paul Giamatti just to name a few. I can watch this over and over again and still laugh out loud. My only question is this: why won't someone for G-d sake put this out on DVD so I can buy it????? (Not a fan of VHS - I want commentary, deleted scenes, interviews, more extras, w-i-d-e-s-c-r-e-e-n, etc., etc., etc.) So if the powers that be read this, Please get off your tuchases (sp?) and get this out on DVD!!!!! Otherwise, thank you for a great movie!!!!!

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Not your cookie cutter "Dumb" comedy. Just little oddities that make you say, "What the hell was that all about?" Sam Rockwell and Steven Zahn have great comedic timing as well as a flair for understated physical comedy. It just made me laugh. . but I must warn that I've recommended this film to some of my friends, and it just didn't respond to their comedic sensibilities. Also, if you've ever been to a barmitzvah, the scene in the movie is just barely parody. Hilarious!7 out of 10 "Sweet 'stache dude."

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