What a beautiful movie!
... View Moredisgusting, overrated, pointless
... View MoreThis movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
... View MoreIt's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
... View MoreThis is not the end-to-end dance movie I expected, but a rather dark comedy about a French couple whose passion is Latin dancing. There are some dance scenes in it, and they're very enjoyable, but there are long stretches with no dancing at all. Yet in another sense the entire movie seems like an extended dance.It's in French with subtitles. But not too doggone many subtitles, because long stretches of the movie are told visually, without any dialogue at all. This is one of the movie's charms. Parts of the movie are very charming indeed; other stretches become a bit tiresome; much of it has a cartoonish aspect, even though it's all live-action rather than animation; and all of it is quirky as hell and mostly unpredictable.All in all: I'm at a loss as to how to rate this peculiar film. I guess six or seven stars, something like that.
... View MoreI usually like European movies but this one felt like an insult from start to finish. There are a couple of dancing scenes, but the male lead is painful to watch in them. The plot doesn't give any help: a ten-year-old could write something better. The actors behave like wooden puppets or robots, unable to show any emotion, and behaving so oddly that it is impossible to think of them as human beings with whom one could identify or empathize. Even bad Hollywood movies have more insight into the human condition than "Rumba" does.If you want a heart-warming dancing movie, the Japanese version of "Shall We Dance?" is infinitely better.
... View MoreWEnt to see this yesterday as part of the programme of our local Film Society. Absolutely hated it! It started out okish, if not great and then got progressively worse!!! I did, however, like the two dancing scenes (apparently, there was a third one towards the end but I didn't see that as we walked out after about an hour - something I never do!!! With this one, though, it almost pained me physically, if you know what I mean!! What little dialogue there was was terrible, and that sort of stupid slapstick comedy type humour I thought was more suited to kindergarten kids (if that!!). Also, everything was dragged and drawn out wayyyy to long!! Some of the stuff that was supposed to be funny was just repeated ad nauseam - I mean, even the village idiot would have gotten it after 3 or 4 repetitions!! I am sorry, I am normally pretty open-minded and I do love unusual movies, but this one was just plain awful and had absolutely NOTHING going for it - complete waste of time!!!
... View MoreDom and Fiona, an adorable, if slightly nitwitted, married couple share a simple life as teachers in a rural French school. He teaches physical education and she teaches English. They have a sweet little house.But they live to dance the Rumba! They have a mantle full of trophies to prove it. One evening, driving home from a dance contest with yet another cup, they crash their car trying to avoid a man trying to commit suicide. They end up in the hospital, she with a leg amputated at the knee and he with an inability to remember anything, including who Fiona is. Complications ensue.If this seems like a strange set-up for a comedy, you have to realize that this comes from a very different comic tradition than American. That tradition is the films of Jacques Tati. The camera is immobile and the action moves in and out of the frame. The sets and scenery are iconic -- some cows in the frame show we are out of the town and in the countryside, etc. None of the comedy in this movie is gross, sexual, satirical or sarcastic. It is good-natured through and through.As with Tati, we are treated to elaborately choreographed pratfalls and sight gags. In one scene, Fiona returns to her classroom on crutches and tries to put down her briefcase, but it gets entangled in her crutch and she keeps losing her balance while flailing wildly. You might not see a scene mocking a cripple like this played for fun in PC America. Again like Tati, this is close to being a silent movie, although there is some dialogue.The highlights of the movie, though, are two absolutely enchanting fantasy dance sequences. In one, they are sitting together glumly on a street, she in her wheelchair, and their shadows begin to dance on the wall behind them. The other is on the surface of the foggy ocean.If this movie does not put a smile on your face, you're made of stone.
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