Ruby Bridges
Ruby Bridges
PG | 18 January 1998 (USA)

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When six-year-old Ruby Bridges is chosen to be the first African-American to integrate her local elementary school, she is subjected to the true ugliness of racism for the first time.

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Just bad

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Did you people see the same film I saw?

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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I don't remember too much from this TV movie, as I've watched it once when it was first aired back in the '90s on ABC as part of the Wonderful World of Disney Sunday night movie specials. It tells the true story of Ruby Bridges, a six year-old African-American girl is integrated in an all-white schools in the New Orleans.While the plot surrounds the tense race relations back in the 1960s, this movie focuses more on the courage of Ruby Bridges to face the odds and adversity and strive for the best to earn her education in the school and place in society. Despite how controversial and unpleasant race relations can get, the filmmakers made this movie one for the entire audience to watch. The overall movie may not be very exciting or suspenseful and the acting may be sub-par, but it is a serviceable movie to sit through with just the right plot momentum for a TV movie and is a sweet, innocent take on a chapter in American history.Grade C+

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This film details the effects of racism on a first grader sent to an all white school in Louisiana in 1960. The child, Ruby Bridges, must endure the taunts of bigots in the street to protest her enrollment. What's even worse is that she encounters a bigoted teaching staff led by a vicious, prejudiced school administrator. Diana Scarwid catches the essence of bigotry in her performance. However, it is never pointed out who exactly she represents. Is she the principal, superintendent or school secretary? No matter who she is, she is the epitome of bigotry.The film deals with the psychological trauma affecting Ruby and her family.The child playing Ruby is just wonderful. Other acting kudos must go to the teacher who plays Mrs. Henry. She is kind and understanding. Kevin Pollak gives a wonderfully understated performance as the psychologist working with Ruby and her parents. Michael Beach is excellent as the father, who loses his job, during this situation and is bitter against everyone: Black neighbors who feel increasing pressure, a Jewish store owner who is pressured in telling Beach not to come into the store, and NAACP officials who he feels are not doing enough.The film is an excellent one for trying to break down the religious and racial barriers that affect us all.

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I happened to see this movie in my son's second grade classroom when I was volunteering as a parent helper. The film and Ruby Bridges herself are truly inspiring, more poignant and heartwrenching because I know it is a true story, and that this year-long incident actually happened within my lifetime. The script doesn't seem to take liberties with reality and sticks to the truth as I understand it.Wars against injustice are fought one battle at a time. And this movie really brings home the story in such a powerfully understated way that children, and adults alike, are able to appreciate and relate to Ruby's unrelenting bravery. As a result, we are perhaps better prepared to search for and find a bit of bravery in ourselves to rise up whenever we get the chance. The movie is well done and it was refreshing to see that it wasn't overacted or overdirected. The story alone is enough that it doesn't require the usual sprucing up by Hollywood.To another reviewer who found it "yawn" provoking I would only say, sorry there were no car crashes, bloody scenes, knife wielding maniacs, naked ladies, or otherwise thrilling happenings gratuitously added in to try to hold the interest of viewers such as himself. There was only an angry mob of white, so-called Christians threatening and poised to attack a SIX YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL. Perhaps he doesn't understand that this is a true story. This means IT REALLY HAPPENED. To me, the bravery of one small first grader is more exciting to learn about than all of the fictional Terminators/Arnolds, Rambos, Dirty Harry's, etc., etc., combined. This type of movie and, in particular this specific movie, is the perfect venue for parents and children to watch together and then share and discuss other real-life events they have encountered dealing with man's inhumanity to man. We take it for granted that anyone can walk up to any lunch counter and order a coke, or drink from any drinking fountain, or sit in any open seat on any bus, or walk into his or her designated electorate polling place unhampered, or enjoy countless other privileges which we can take for granted now; while, just 44 short years ago, persons of certain skin colors or ethnicities could not without great personal risk. The movie itself is quite long and his teacher showed it in two 45 minute segments including several discussion pauses while viewing. I really have to thank my son's teacher for sharing this movie with her class and myself, and for providing the excellent education he is receiving. The children's book by Robert Coles (the real-life psychiatrist who is portrayed by Kevin Pollak in the film) is also highly recommended reading for children. My son was also delighted to see that some of the music in the film was composed by Patrice Rushen who sings his favorite song, "Forget Me Nots." To another reviewer I would like to ask, if there are a dozen better movies on this topic, could I see a copy of that list? They must be spectacular!

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Not great cinematic art, granted, but the sweet spirit and sharp intellect of the real person Ruby Bridges comes across and the era is by and large accurately portrayed. For Disney, this is excellent. Michael Beach is quite good, as is Diana Scarwid, and Chaz Monet is wonderful in the title role. Robert Coles, M.D., played by Kevin Pollak, has written many books about children in crisis. I lived in this era. The marshals were dignified, the "cheerleaders" appalling, that little girl one of the greatest heroines who ever lived. It's worth watching.

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