R | 23 June 1998 (USA)
RPM Trailers

A professional car thief pulls off the heist of a lifetime when he steals a prototype supercar.


Very well executed

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Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

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i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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As one reviewer came close to commenting. This film is above crticism. To do so, bequeathes it a degree of status to which it is not entitled. In fact the only reason to watch it, besides the plethora of droolable vehicles on show is the undeniable pleasure to be had (assuming one is male...actually in THIS day and age, that is probably no longer a necessary requisite!) watching the professionally curvy Miss Janssen removing her skimpy black knickers for the purpose of inflaming the passions of her mechanic whom she has just erotically doused with what looks like seriously low-grade motor oil!Anyone notice Jerry Hall scowling alongside the Aston Martin DB3? The years haven't been overly kind so it would seem, since her walk-on slinkathon in furs with Rock icon Bryan Ferry at the latter end of his "Lets Stick Together" film clip! Mind you...a life with Jagger??? But I digress! Arquette can never be anything but the goof he is..the film has by necessity been dumbed down to accommodate his dubious talents here. EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS I suspect is as good as ever he's likely to get. Having said that...he alone is not responsible for the talentless end-product that masquerades here as passable entertainment. You're talking el-cheapo production values, first-time actors, a script by creatively bereft 8th graders and hammy directing. Regrettably its not bad enough to be notable or off-beat enough to be vaguely interesting. What it IS....is a home movie that neither Janssen or Arquette would want to include on their resume!

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Where to start really? Arquette trys really hard to not make this movie horribly bad, but unfortunately carries it even further down the hole. Whether by design (as a spoof) or on purpose (REAL drama (HA!)), this movie lacks really anything of... well anything. Arquette's voice-over work is the only thing even remotely entertaining, and that is because the soundtrack is actually NOT out of sync with the characters lips. It seemed like I was watching a Chinese film, or even worse a Godzilla movie, rather than a film done mostly in English. It becomes really annoying after about a minute, and makes the whole film seem even cheaper.Oh yeah, plot! The characters are Arquette, his dog (who he refers to and speaks to like a person through the entire movie (AGHHHHH) and is the second main character in the whole production), Famke Jannsen, and the French girl. Basically Arquette is a car thief, so is the dog (sorta), and Jannsen is one as well. The French girl is just obligatory, so you don't have to watch Arquette speak and act to the dog for the whole ninety minutes.The plot is that the two (three (four)) of them are supposed to steal a prototype car. Sounds cool right? Sorry, you are treated to bad chase scenes, a bad helicopter scene, dumb plot twists, cheesy dialogue, bad acting, Arquette panning to the camera at every second possible, AND NO REAL PLOT. Every scene just seems to outdo the last one for being amazingly bad. You don't believe me, here's an example SPOILER: Arquette happens to just end up pool side of the naked girl who's car he just stole, and the same car was stolen from him, and the girl is the former girlfriend of the guy funding the stealing spree. END SPOILER. Is that dumb or what? Come on, how many coincidences can you shove into a movie and just blow off.I used to think that Congo was the worst movie ever made, now I may have to reconsider. The movie looks like it was made in the early 1980's, is dubbed like Godzilla, and has Hudson Hawk (which by the way I enjoyed)-type plot twists, but lacks the creativity to make them enjoyable, and has BAD acting. Heck, they couldn't even make the police car look like a US police car, instead they just marked Los Angeles on the side of a French police car. I don't see very many marked Yugos in the States.Sorry, I got off on a rant... just don't bother viewing this, obviously very few people have and that is for the best.

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Simply awful. Bruce Willis was quoted as saying that every actor/actress needs a "Hudson Hawk" in their career. This was easily David Arquette's "Hudson Hawk". Dreadful story-line, very ordinary car chases, little drama, no suspense and no twist at the end.The Best bit of the movie was the credits. The Worst bit was the 91 minutes before the credits.Anyone interested in watching this movie take my advice, go for a 91 minute walk and save yourself the anguish of this movie.(Can someone send me the Director's Address, I want to bill them for the hire charge of this movie).

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I had a day dream today. I didn't have a job but I was filthy rich, I could pick up hot chicks with cheesy lines, I got to travel around the world and drive the C*#P out of KILLER classic cars (best part), and everything worked out exactly the way I wanted it to.Who in their right mind would watch a David Arquette movie for its plot?! Not me. Simple props and random plot changes, cheezy stunts, bad acting, making fun of French people...it's all deliberate and to me, it's a pretty smart parody on how ridiculous Hollywood is. Why not?But seriously, who cares? Get hammered and have a good time. It's all about the cars anyway!rock the house

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