Room 205
Room 205
| 10 August 2007 (USA)
Room 205 Trailers

Wanting to start a fresh, Katrine moves from the province into a dormitory in Copenhagen and enrolls at the University. But when she crosses conniving Sanne by getting together with Sanne's ex, all hell breaks loose. Sanne and her friends frighten Katrine with an old myth surrounding the ghost of a former resident. Yet the myth very soon becomes reality.


Just bad

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A bit overrated, but still an amazing film

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Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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When this movie first came out I was a poster promoting it. Its tag-line was "Ikke alle overlever at flytte hjemmefra" which roughly translates into: "Not everyone survives moving away from home" I have never before laughed out loud at a movie tag-line before, but that was what I did. And I was confused as well. Was it a horror or a comedy? Then I saw the movie and realized, if you don't watch it as an unintentional comedy it really sucks balls. The plot in a porn movie would make more sense, not only that, but the acting would be more convincing in a porno. Cartoonish, is the only word that comes to mind when thinking about the acting. I imagine a porn movie would probably also be more scary and less predictable. Despite the horror of sitting through such an awful movie, I still give it 2 stars. One for being good background noise, and one for the hot chicks in it.

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Apparently the Danish can make subpar J-horror movies too. Room 205 features stock characters, a mish-mash plot and almost zero suspense leading to an abrupt and clumsily-paced climax. The ghost and its appearances are more eyebrow-furrowing than scary and at about the hour mark you'll start to wonder if this is actually a horror film or a movie about angsty Danish college kids - Degrassi Copenhagen if you will. The acting is passable but it takes so long to go anywhere that you end up not caring for a single person in the film. This is definitely one of the more disappointing flicks in GHI's 2008 batch. Only recommended for hardcore ghost story fans with nothing else left to watch.

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Originality in horror is hard to achieve. I have heard this film compared to The Ring by more than one person, but, as I liked that movie, I would give this a chance.The incredibly beautiful Danish actress Neel Rønholt play Katrine, a girl who moves into a college dorm that is haunted by the ghost of a girl who died in Room 205. Katrine is kind of a klutz. She is always breaking things. When she breaks the mirror in the bathroom of Room 205, the ghost is released.Suspicion is thrown on her after some deaths: Lena (Mira Wanting),Lucas (Jon Lange), and Sanne (Julie Ølgaard); and she joins with another outcast, Rolf (Mikkel Arendt) in a plan to capture the ghost.Good FX and tension, with lots of screams. A great ending.

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OK so I pluralized friend, actually it was just one friend of mine who had seen this movie with his girlfriend who told me to go watch this with my girlfriend. The reason he thought I should see it was because him and his girlfriend really enjoyed it, plus he said he thought it was a really "scary" movie.Well I took his suggestion for a Saturday night when me and the misses didn't have anything to do but go see a movie. I thought it could be cool to be scared and if it would make my girl happy so much the better. Well of course the evening was a bust because this movie could not deliver the goods... at all.I wouldn't dream of spoiling but I think a lot of comments here hits the mark pretty well. The story is so void of originality I thought it was a joke and I kept thinking if this actually was an authorized remake of (insert 20-30 films here).The story is so done first of all and second, elements are thrown into the movie every where without ever being justified. out of the 5 actors only 2 are able to do a halfway decent job, the main character and the actor Mira Wanting actually pull it off alright. Especially Mira actually gets something out of her character with a few subtle looks and faces here and there she creates a little intensity.I don't blame the director for this movie at all, actually he shows a lot of promise but with no script for it he can't create the creepy atmosphere that he really does strive for. I just saw what other movies the writer of this one has written and I can see a pattern, in the future I'll be sure to avoid Jannik Tai's written movies, or at the very least, not expect an original idea or thought from him.

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