Rock of Ages
Rock of Ages
PG-13 | 15 June 2012 (USA)
Rock of Ages Trailers

A small town girl and a city boy meet on the Sunset Strip, while pursuing their Hollywood dreams.


Nice effects though.

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If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

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One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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Osmosis Iron

Absolutely fantastic musical about the golden days of hair-metal. Great cast, great selection of songs and a funny plot that maybe is a bit too cliche, but it's kind of the point! Tom Cruise as an Axl Rose send up alone, is freaking hilarious and I love Axl and GN'R! Great movie!

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Oh the naive little Sherrie arrives in town, looking as dull as Christina Aguilera in Burlesque or Hayden Panettiere in Heroes. Too blond to have a brain, with a pop voice not so unique, all she can do is pole dance on the top of Mount Rushmore and flip her hair singing oooo yeeeaaaaah on each song. Too tacky, sorry. Now, supporting cast: Alec Baldwin, okay, he can pull it off. Drunk Russell Howard, meh, okay, his glory days as Katie Perry's hubby paid off. Paul Gimatti is famous for being the funny obnoxious assistant, so, sure, why not. But believe me when I'm telling you that the worst supporting act was from Mr. Cruise, Tom Cruise. Oh-so-ridiculous. Keith Sutherland or Rober Downey Jr could have been a MUCH BETTER one.To sum up: don't bother

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**** May contain strong spoilers ****This is a review made by StoneDraim... and that means that if you want to read a probably different kind of review, keep reading....This is my personal experience, my personal point of view/perspective and my personal opinion... and my opinion is just one of like 7 billions in this world.Before I start to take apart this movie (sadly, I sense I have to do that), I will give a recommendation to people who like movies with much music in it. And also, maybe to the audience that appreciate all types of musicals. With that said... well.... Here I go again.Russel Brand. Tom Cruise. Alec Baldwin. Catherine Zeta-Jones. Paul Giamatti. I have one question for you: Why?! Why in the name of Steve Perry did you stop believing in yourself? Was the paradise city taken as we built this city... on disbelief? Come on.... just hit me with your best shot, at least... Or is it more than words to shout out loud that I wanna rock? 'Cause this musical has had its final countdown, though it tries to be any way you want it. And Kevin Nash; even you deserve better. There is greater acting around WM, WWE and TNA so... go there instead.I tried to watch this (yes, you read that right: tried) with an opened mind for let us say, 4 minutes. The dull acting from the main characters blended with a total lack of display for the naive rock mentality made me say out loud: "What in the world...!?"One good thing about the motion picture is that there is some kind of an objectivity in finding some jokes here and there. (Often, even they just fall down and leave a tired mark for the history to pick up. The humour during this kind of rock flick must have been the first thing that came to the writers mind. Do you guess that it is bad?) The songs and the rock is taken so far into the polished pop culture that I would say that they have ruined big rock giants. That is a sad fact. I myself is an rocker and loved (and still love) much of that music that "made history stand out".Justin Theroux, Chris D'Arienzo and Allan Loeb. Did you maybe think that the blockbuster from 2008 needed a more rock solid alternative to the audience? With all respect for Björn and Benny, I've got two words for you (and the intention with those are bad): Mamma mia!Though... a little nice nostalgic road throughout the songs. Just wonder how they could forget about one leader into the rock ages... spelled with a T and an O, then an T and an O.Last out... I have to throw and give a nod to a dear friend of mine... you know who you are (read also the review of "Stranger Things")... don't stop, Steve Perry... hmm... continue believing........ well.... 2 hours and 5 minutes into this....I am now finished with this review. If you think that I have been thundering down on this production, all I have to say is; Every rose has its thorn.Over to the movie as a product: - The production : Good colours. Good sound....well.... you decide. The make up is sometimes so bad that it screams for attention. Look at Paul Giamattis hair; oh, my lord! - The actors : Yes. that is the questions. Even with a solid ensemble of actors I ask myself: Adam Shankman, where did you leave them? Where are they? - Entertainment : It is entertaining to write a review to get this off my chest. - Age : 15. Can come down to 11 in some circumstances.4,5 out of 10. (The final rate is based most on my own entertainment of the movie. Short elucidation of the rating: 5 Approved. 4 Failed. Lacking in character.)

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Just how bad can a screen adaption of a stage musical be? Judging by this mess, pretty bloody bad! Let's start with the casting. Abysmal. Alec Baldwin and Russel Brand as Gay lovers? Seriously? What an insult to Gays. Tom Cruise as a Rock King? Beam me up to Scientology level Galactia Stupidia. It takes quite a special talent to completely bring a movie down but he manages it here. His singing was passable, if you're expecting a high school production of The Sound of Music, but he's no Captain Von Trapp, let alone Freddie Mercury. He does flash his tits a lot here though if you want to know what his tits look like, this movie is so execrable, so awful, so truly, truly bad I can't even find words...the stage production was admittedly silly but it was engaging and fun. This overblown mess is neither. If you can last till the end you're either a masochist or are fiddling on your iPad. Just wrong. On every level.

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