Rock Jocks
Rock Jocks
| 01 September 2012 (USA)
Rock Jocks Trailers

Imagine asteroids so large that they can wipe out all life on the planet constantly bombarding the Earth. The only things standing in the way are the Rock Jocks, a top-secret band of government employees, who pilot asteroid-killing satellites. The story takes place during a Rock Jocks night shift. Though they are there to fight off asteroids, they spend most of the night fighting off boredom, themselves, and the occasional meddling government bureaucrat hell-bent on cutting their department’s budget.

Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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Calum Hutton

It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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A group of dysfunctional government employees find themselves responsible for shooting down asteroids that are headed for earth.While I most enjoyed the exchanges between Jason Mewes and Robert Picardo, everyone here was funny. The first third was a bit slow, but once I warmed up to the jokes and excessive vulgarity, it was a real treat. The old man is especially funny.This may not be a film I ever watch again, but I enjoyed it just the same. In some ways, it reminded me of the profane humor of "Clerks" (another Mewes film), only this time with video game nerds rather than retail employees.

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Surprisingly adolescent humor for a project with Felicia Day. She is usually a safe bet for intelligent humor but this movie is a breath above what an 8th grader could write. Such a disappointment. That's all that needs to be said but to make this review have the minimum required lines of text I am now just typing nonsense, much like the general feel of this movie's script. To repeat: That's all that needs to be said but to make this review have the minimum required lines of text I am now just typing nonsense, much like the general feel of this movie's script. Once again: That's all that needs to be said but to make this review have the minimum required lines of text I am now just typing nonsense, much like the general feel of this movie's script.

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When this movie hits, it hits the funny bone right on. And on the balance there's a lot more hits than misses with this movie.The humor is often juvenile and obvious so don't watch this if you want subtle or wry. I think many females will enjoy this movie just as much as males will but the sexual humor makes it seem targeted to males of a certain demographic. What females will like is the female character portrayal gives as good as she gets. And the one liners are really funny.The cast for the most part is well chosen, and their character's quirks all bounce off each other nicely. The only miss in the cast department is the government watcher guy, not that he was bad but in a movie like this where everyone is basically insane you kind of need even the straight characters to be a little deeper. I really liked Alien Jesus also.This is a low budget movie, glaringly obvious, but at the same time it's basically dialog driven comedy so who cares really. It's just a fun movie, not a classic, but not bad.

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It's not often that a low-budget movies manage to unironically entertain me, but Rock Jocks is the exception that proves the rule. I'll admit, I wanted to watch this because it looked cheesy, and on a few levels, it still is. There's one location, maybe about 7 people in the main cast, and the CGI isn't exactly Avatar, but this movie manages to use those limitations to its advantage. The movie takes place in an obsolete and underfunded secret bunker, and it's obvious that this overjoyed the production designer, who filled the room with all kinds of retro junk computers and panels. Since the characters never really leave the bunker, the cast size is actually perfect: everybody has their moment, and nobody is used too much. The makeup for the alien, Smoking Jesus, is amazing, and the guy who plays him is the guy who played all the monsters in Pan's Labrynth! This is how you make a low budget sci fi movie!

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