Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre
Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre
R | 04 September 2009 (USA)
Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre Trailers

An epic tale about a group of whale watchers, whose ship breaks down and they get picked up by a whale fisher vessel. The Fishbillies on the vessel has just gone bust, and everything goes out of control.


Pretty Good

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A lot of fun.

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It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.

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Ezmae Chang

This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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"Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre" is considered the first Icelandic splatter horror.I love Iceland.I visited this extremely beautiful country in 2014 and fell in love with majestic Icelandic volcanoes,mossy lava fields,waterfalls and glaciers.So I was curious about Icelandic horror genre and finally decided to watch Júlíus Kemp's "Reykjavik Whale Watching Massacre".Of course the film is a homage to Tobe Hooper's "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" from 1974 as it features small cameo of Gunnar "Leatherface" Hansen.A family of three Icelandic whale hunters(mother and two devoted sons)hate foreigners.A group of tourists is stalked,mutilated and killed by this savage clan in the cold and black Icelandic waters via harpoon and similar hunting equipment.The film is pretty bloody and gruesome with creepy performance of Helgi Björnsson.Can't wait to see other Icelandic horror flick "Frost".8 harpoons out of 10.

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Firstly, DO NOT believe the reviews that say this is a Texas Chainsaw rip off!There are marginal obtuse references to Chain, but this story is really unique in itself. And it's a powerhouse of a rendition. The Icelanders all seem to despise the "greenpeace" tourists who have turned their whaling days into wussie watching days.Not sure however why there is a undercurrent mention of the US, when most leftie greenpeace folks are not American! Nonetheless the good guy and the bad all seem to hate them.The whale watching boat can't find whales and comes upon another vessel after being disabled. This other crew promises to save the. It's then that the fun starts.It's a tensely directly film that commands your attention and the multiple languages spoken add a sense of realness. It's a relatively short running time of 1:23 but keeps your attention.There's a couple of out of place blips along the way that detract, but if you can over look them, you get a really fun ride.

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Tim Moore

Are You people kidding me?I watched this piece of crap because Chiller Channel mentioned it for 2 months.It sucked. Period! No arguing. Just plain bad!They get on the whaling boat all 7 of them and don't group together to attack the lame killers. And the whole "Your father was a kamikaze" so load up for a suicidal attack was stupid. This movie sucked in so many ways, it wasn't even funny bad, just bad. I can't believe the number of positive reviews for this piece of crap. You guys must've liked Blair Witch Project, another non-scary piece of crap.Avoid this movie, it will only give you a headache and 2 hours you can't get back.

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A load of tourists go on whale watching sea trip. There's an accident the captain is injured and they call for help. Help comes in the unlikely form of a family of backsea fisherman or fishbillies as the DVD blurb refers to them. I say unlikely because they don't help.This has to be one of the best European slasher films I've seen. It has some good gore done with practical effects and a couple of inventive kills but the thing that raises this above other movies like cold prey (which was good) and trackman (which was bad) is the characterisation. Yes, some of the characters may be a little one dimensional but at least they have some character. You have the down trodden Japanese PA who finally has enough. The three middle aged women on the hunt for young men and the French tourist who says just about every French cliché you can imagine. from oohlala to sacre bleur.Also this movie has some laughs. Some of the dialogue is funny in a very surreal way mainly from the hunchback fishbilly. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to and i'm sure on further viewing I'll see more things in it to make me laugh and squirm.

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