Revelation: The End of Days
Revelation: The End of Days
| 29 December 2014 (USA)
Revelation: The End of Days Trailers

The bombing of Jerusalem's Wailing Wall sparks years of global torment as a Pennsylvania cop seeks hundreds of thousands of mysteriously missing children, while two scientists try to stop a deadly pandemic and a reporter tries decoding the Bible.


Let's be realistic.

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Dreadfully Boring

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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I read several other reviews and agree with most of them. Those coming from people of faith I felt were far more informative than the reviews from those who are apparently of no or little faith.I was completely annoyed with the so called "trumpets" blast that sounded familiarly like alien movies like The Mist and Cloverfield. The storyline barely followed prophesy or scripture. As another review noted that when the second coming of Christ appears in a 'cloud of glory', ALL will see Him. I don't believe just believers will see him, but every man, woman and child will truly see Him for who He is.This movie leaves one in great confusion as to what happened and who, when and where! I believe by unbelievers will already hate those of the Christian faith to the point that laws will be enacted to make Christianity illegal. Being blamed for all that ails the world. No one really knows when the anti-Christ will appear, though the Word says we will see the shadow of his approach. The unbelievers will be so glad to get rid of us, they'll probably be scared when the rapture occurs, then rejoice when we're gone. There will be a remnant of those left behind that will know they missed "the first train" home. When that's all done and over, then the really scary 'caca' hits the fan! The unbelievers by this time will know God was and is real, yet hate Him with every fiber of their being. So much so, that they will think they can actually beat Christ in the Battle of Armagedon and meet at Megiddo to fight the war to end all wars. None of this is featured in this series of movies(so there is no spoilers to warn)....Perhaps it was History Channel's intent to portray "the end times" in such a benign way? If that's so, then they achieved their intentions very well making this series. Only time will tell, as we are seeing the signs of Christ's return more and more than ever the Word 'also' says, ' you begin to see these happen, look up for redemption draws nigh."(Luke 21 and Romans 3)

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Like many other movies and miniseries about this topic, this work is horrifically bad. It was poorly written, acted, and produced. It is almost laughable how awful this thing is. This is worse than some of the bad science fiction movies that I watch for kicks. It sticks to a convoluted interpretation of the Christian apocalypse that opportunists like Kirk Cameron, Jerry B. Jenkins, and Tim LaHaye have used to line their pockets for years, but the overused plot not even the worst aspect of this thing.The shaky camera style is reminiscent of The Blair Witch Project, which fits well with the other poorly executed parts of the miniseries. If you are prone to vertigo, migraines, seizures, or motion sickness, especially if these have been triggered in the past by past movies or television shows, you might want to avoid this for health reasons. If not, just avoid it for quality reasons. It's not entertaining enough to justify wasting so much time on it.

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Steve Amstutz

The first half was good. I like disaster movies and I'm a Christian so this was right up my alley. We don't know how the events of the end times will unfold, but I believe this show did a fairly decent job in portraying a possibility. The second half, though, was way off the mark. Unlike the beginning that centers on Isreal and all the horrors going on there, the second half is totally American-centric. The battle of Armegedon will be for Isreal, not America. Yes America, along with the rest of the world, will suffer the effects of the tribulation, but we won't be the center of it. Also, when Jesus returns, every eye will see Him (Rev 1.7), and I don't mean a strange weather phenomenon. The Antichrist doesn't just die mysteriously either. He is cast into the pit along with the false prophet, who is not in the film. Again, if you like disaster movies, the first half was plausible but skip the second half. If you want to find out more about the Antichrist, read your Bible. I also recommend looking up the author Joel Richardson who, I think, has a pretty good grasp on things.

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This absurd fiction piece is unbelievably boring. It is not worth watching, or should I say it is unwatchable. The cinematography is annoying, the editing is erratic, the plot is not engaging, the story is contrived. It begs to believed at every turn. The fact that this attempt at suspense is on the History Channel. This attempt to lure unsuspecting viewer to poor biblical programming demonstrates the desperate alliance between deluded Christian evangelists and Hollywood carpetbaggers. These stories lack substance and foster dangerous conspiracy theories and give validity to barbaric eschatological fantasies. Revaluation: the end of days is religious propaganda disguised as entertainment. Why bother calling it history when it is obviously fiction and supposedly a prediction of future events by a book that couldn't describe the world around it or one basic scientific reality. Not one! If The History Channel wants to show accurate biblical history, they should return to the previous programs and historians, archaeologists, biologists, chemists, cosmologists, and other purveys of fact, and in fact, history.

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