Requiem for a Vampire
Requiem for a Vampire
| 22 April 2006 (USA)
Requiem for a Vampire Trailers

An incestuous and industrious pair of modern-day vampires finds their clever manner of acquiring sustenance threatened by a nosy New Jersey health inspector and a determined investigative reporter in director John Orrichio's sexualized tale of life among the undead. The LeGaults know well that to stalk the streets for prey is to leave themselves open to exposure. Instead of seeking out blood the old-fashioned way, the LeGaults opt to open a blood donation center that will provide them with the nourishment they need to survive without the risks that go along with using their fangs. A New Jersey health inspector named Jerry is on to them, though, and along with a little help from intrepid reporter Phyllis, he soon prepares to rip the lid off of the LeGault's bizarre scam. When a chance encounter with two students of the occult reveals the true motivation behind the LeGaults' philanthropic front...


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.

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Brilliant and touching

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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John Orrichio's new vampire flick, Requiem for a Vampire (2006) is an interesting take on an often clichéd treatment of the subject of vampires! Mr. Orrichio seems to have grown by leaps and bounds from his earlier film "The Possession of Father Thomas" of a year or so ago. Static shots are replaced with interesting camera angles and he makes excellent use of locations such as the Jersey shore, Rockefeller Center and area mansions in telling his tale and giving this independent film a big budget feeling. The collaboration of Mr. Orrichio and veteran horror film maker Karl Petry seems to work quite well in this effort and I think gives added dimension in telling this tale.The premise of this story is a simple one but with a twist. It is about a family of vampires trying to exist in a modern world without the usual violence toward "mortals" and also trying to be contributing members of society. This "peaceful" co-existence is threatened by the same plague that affects and mortal world and we see how this "family" handles it. In the male lead is Matt Locker who paints Michael LeGault with a rather broad brush showing us both his caring side and a more cavalier attitude when under the stress of his beloveds illness and death. His sister "Lenore" is played with sensitivity and feeling by veteran Horror actress Deana Demko in a more mature role for her which she handled beautifully. Lenore serves as the glue that holds this family together in a very difficult situation when Michael seems to be going off in all directions under the stress of the death of his beloved and the threat of exposure by the investigator (including an incestuous relationship with his sister and even a tryst with his manservant!). Other standouts in the cast are David B. Powers as Henri, Michael's manservant and protector. His natural style works wonderfully in this difficult part as man who is dealing with his own aging as well as being in love with his own boss! The homo-erotic scene is quite unexpected but adds to the drama as does the next scene at the beach. Cathy Loch who plays the part of Claire (Henri's niece) works quite well with him and has a natural charm that the camera picks up on (as well as being quite easy on the eye!). She certainly does surprise us at the end! Gerry Kirschbaum handles the part of Justin Burke, the Legault's business adviser/protector with ease as does Bob Smith, who plays the part of the nosy and annoying health investigator who threatens to expose the Legault family and ruin the peaceful coexistence that the Legault's have worked so hard to establish. Jamie Stone does a wonderful job of portraying the scientist, Tara Wolf who eventually "joins" the family in her quest to find a cure for the plague that threatens them all. Orrichio fills the screen with haunting images including a touching deathbed scene, an eerie funeral procession, an attempted suicide scene and a bloody and unexpected "turning scene" as well as the homo-erotic scene mentioned above all of which seem to be there to shock and disturb the audience, an effect which seems to work quite well. The visuals are quite intriguing and well edited by Mr. Orrichio who seems to be wearing many hats in this production as director, screen writer, cameraman, film editor and even on screen playing the guitar! The music is well chosen and even includes a music video with Cathy Loch singing a Celtic song. The cast is rather large for a small independent film but everyone seems to work well together and it was great to have the addition of Rosemary Ellen Guiley playing herself as a paranormal investigator giving the film an added amount of credibility. Others in the cast who deserve a mention are Jeanne Sconzo, Tony Rugnetta and newcomers Carrie Nagy and Yesenia Moreland. All in all the film goes over well with only a minor amount of loose ends and continuity problems and I look forward to the next endeavor from the team of Orrichio and Petry!

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movie was not great but the few bright points was the ability and presence of Cathy Loch ! i see her as an up and coming Star and should be considered for a major movie ! I have become her biggest fan :)!The male homosexual scenes in the movie was a very bad choice!!Should have been more suggestive than visual ! Most people including myself are put off by this kind of thing !The scenes were bounced around too fast and they made very little sense in the way they they were put together ! I am an avid fan of Vampire Movies and this one has its few bright spots (Cathy Lochs singing was great )At the burial ceremony !And the idea of a family that is trying to live as normal of lives as they can is a great concept and the snoopy reporter who gets too nosy about certain things and causes the downfall of the family!

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Requiem for a Vampire isn't high art, but it's entertaining nonetheless. There's plenty of gore, sex, nudity, and even political commentary to keep the audience entertained. The story is pretty unique and the performances are decent, especially considering the budget constraints. The story concerns a coven of vampires living in New Jersey who run a blood bank for the purpose of staying alive in a humane way and avoiding disease. One of the vampires goes out for a walk one night and is trailed by a man. Feeling threatened, she attacks the man and drains his blood, only to become ill with AIDS. The disease eats away at her body at a rapid pace and she dies, leaving her coven to plan what they believe to be the first ever funeral for a vampire. It's not your run of the mill tale of the undead, which both adds to and takes away from the overall experience. It's always great to see something new, but this idea is one that feels like it wasn't expanded upon fully. If the story was more about the family's plight against the diseases of the human world and less about the funeral, it would have made the story feel more whole.The music is the real star of this movie however... there are lots of great rock songs and a beautiful Celtic lullaby. Definitely worth the $5.95 from the Alpha New Cinema Series.

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Requiem for a Vampire is a great film! The sexual scenes are passionate and effectively reveal the salacious nature of the vampires. Yet, in addition to the sexy bodies and amorous situations, the underlying plot is interesting and engaging. The filmmakers address issues of love, family loyalties, betrayal, social class, sexuality, feminism and power. From the first scene I was drawn into the plot. I immediately empathized with the lead vampires (male and female), and I was intrigued by their efforts to lead a secret life trying to be "normal" and loving each other while at the same time they were dealing with deep dark secrets. Once you start watching you will be drawn into the erotic underground world of the vampires. The film is visually creative with the vampires cavorting in NY City, mansions, and nightclubs. It is also an intelligent film that mixes eroticism and mystery with thoughtful commentary on social issues. This is not the usual vampire movie!

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