Renfield the Undead
Renfield the Undead
| 25 October 2011 (USA)
Renfield the Undead Trailers

R. N. Renfield, once the slave of Dracula, is now an insane vampire stalking a modern day metropolis (Bayou City).


Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Watched Reinfield last week, it is frankly a waste of time. The plot line is loose and confusing at best, if there is any. The opening is confusing too, seeming like a bad remake of Pan's Labyrinth.The references to Bram stoker's Dracula are cheesy and too weak. The film seems more in line with Rock Horror Show, in spirit, than with Dracula.The effects are non-existent, the actors weak, and frankly, the movie doesn't help them.If it is supposed to be a comedy, it doesn't show. They try, but not good enough for my taste.In short, very bad movie, don't waste your time and money.

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Johnny Bananas

Every good review of this film was written by people who were IN THE FILM and they flag every bad review to get it taken down. Having said that.....If you love vampire movies, or movies in general, then Renfield: The Undead will leave you feeling sadder than an SPCA commercial. On the other hand, if you like movies that suck so bad you wouldn't watch them with Hitler's eyeballs, then you, sir, are in for a treat. I honestly regret my decision to sit through this orgy of boring nonsense in its entirety. It sucked away my will to live. Is there some way to prematurely induce Alzheimers so I don't have to live with these memories? No amount of morbid curiosity justifies sitting all the way through a movie this bad, and not even Tom Servo and Crow could lighten these proceedings to a bearable level. Imagine, like, two HOURS of an ugly guy giggling manically and pawing at the air. Writer/actor Phil Nichols makes Uwe Boll look like Steven Spielberg, and Renfield: The Undead makes Dracula- Dead and Loving It look like Gone With the Wind. Oh my GAWD, I feel like I'm being punished for liking vampire movies. Why do you hate vampire movie fans, Phil Nichols? Are you trying to show us the error of our ways? As a big-time vampire movie buff I've sat through my fair share of GOD AWFUL crap, but this movie takes the blue ribbon of defeat. It isn't a bad idea to take vampires back to their Gothic horror roots; in fact, under normal circumstances I would welcome the attempt, but this movie fails on every level possible at once. The actors can't act, the writer shouldn't write (OR act, God help us), the computer-rendered sets look like PlayStation 1 cut scenes circa 1995, and the entire premise is a transparent dry-hump of Bram Stoker's classic novel. The plot, and I use that word loosely, consists of a series of ultra-weak vampire fights which are unintentionally hilarious AT BEST.The rest is all bland, poorly-delivered dialogue and terrible, TERRIBLE British accents. The overall experience is like drinking a warm, flat Dr. Pepper. Renfield: The Undead has got to be one of the all-time worst vampire movies of all time, ever.You know, I think I've wasted enough of my life even talking about Renfield: The Undead. People of Earth, you have been warned. Congratulations Phil Nichols, you have made me seriously consider giving up liking movies AND vampires altogether.

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I received my copy of Renfield the Undead from, and was super excited to finally see this movie I'd been hearing about for years! I followed all the coverage on Dreadcentral, and also other movies done by the special effects makeup artists from facades fx. This movie was the creation of facades artist Phil Nichols, who wrote, produced, created the special effects and creatures for, as well as taking on the lead role of Renfield, himself. An ambitious thing to do. But it paid off, in my opinion. I am a big fan of other FX men turned film makers, John Carl Beachler ("TROLL") Tom Savini ("Night of the Living Dead"), Greg Nicotero ("Walking Dead"). Phil Nichols seems to have taken a page from these guys' book, and created a really bad ass vampire comic book universe steeped in Bram Stoker's Dracula story.As a special effects artist, Phil Nichols work is bad ass!!!!! (It's the only thing that salvaged Boggy Creek!) But as an actor... WOW! Who knew? Man this guy can act! He has the same kind of presence as The late Great Vincent Price, or... even better: Robert Englund (THE REAL FREDDY! Now and forever!). Renfield's madness and maniacal antics mixed with the awesome creature makeup and fx make this move a real feast for the old school Fx fans like me.And here's something: normally I'm a zombie fan exclusively. I can't stand that slasher crap, masked killers with kitchen knives or big hammers and chainsaws. Yawn. ZOMBIES are the bomb. But, I have to give a nod to Renfield The Undead, for it's really unique style, and a lot of good fun. Dark humor abounds. And A very cool and creepy Dracula played by an actor named John Stephens. And I thought bringing the story into a modern day time was something new and wild. And the cops believing Renfield to be a serial killer, was a nice spin.Now this movie does have its problems, like any low budget movie. I will say the beginning scene with the large breasts was really gross. And it seemed out of place with the rest of the story. No explanation as to why suddenly a vampire is biting a pregnant chick with big jugs. But there it was. And the actor who played the young twerp vampire sucked at an English accent. I could even hear some Texas twangy in there a few times. Who is that guy anyway?the chick playing Mina (the bitch vampire leader) over acted a few times. I'm guessing this is all due to the director, who we all know from his suck-fest *S*I*C*K. Despite this, he somehow pulled off a half way decent job of telling this story.I did like the scenes between Renfield and the city coroner, in Renfield's crypt where he reveals to her his story. How he became a vampire, and basically a flash back of the Dracula story. really cool, as it's back in Victorian times. There's even a lesbian kiss between Mina and Lucy, who according to the end of the movie, will be featured in the sequel.This movie also features two scream babes from the Texas horror scene: Julin (Spirit Camp, Boggy Creek, Cherry Bomb) and Denise Williamson (Boggy Creek, School Girls from Outer Space, Spirit Camp), and possibly the creepiest Dracula ever.Some of the cgi backgrounds are really video game looking, but again I attribute this to the low budget and not being able to afford good cgi artists. I can forgive that, because it seems like they spared no expense on the makeup effects! The vampire bites were big ugly gruesome wounds, and there is a KICK ASS decapitation and beheading scene where Renfield pulls a guy's head off with the spine hanging off of it... it's gross city, but so bad ass!There was even a spider vampire! That was freaky cool! I'd never seen that before, and it was a cool surprise.I liked this movie a lot, it surprised me how much I did like it. I'm glad I have it in my collection. I was disappointed by the lack of any special features other than the trailer. But maybe they will release a blue ray with behind the scenes special features sometime in the future.My wish is that Phil Nichols will take on the zombie genre and make a cool zombie flick next! I would love to see what he would do as an Effects artist with zombies! Now that would really be bad ass!

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Inside a comic book world...comic book movie. N. Renfield, the mad slave of the evil vampire Count Dracula, is now himself an insane vampire stalking a modern day metropolis (Bayou City). Known as "The Bayou City Butcher", a serial killer, Renfield is relentlessly pursued by Paul Cranston (Paul Damon), a driven British detective who always gets his man. Renfield is also sought by Mina Harker (Roxy Cook), now a vampire, and her half vampire son Quincy (Tyler Tackett). It is a thrilling game of cat and mouse in which Renfield reveals his ancient history with the vampire lord Dracula, and battles not only the mortals of Bayou City, but the forces of darkness as well.Directed by Bob Willems (S.I.C.K.), written and produced by and starring in the title role is SFX Master Phil Nichols (Boggy Creek 2010, Walking Distance, Arlington Road, Powder). Featuring amazing Vampire Creature FX and SPFX Make-up by Facades Fx Make-up Lab (Boggy Creek 2010, Walking Distance), and copious amounts of blood, this is no tween-age romp through the roses. This is Buffy meets Blade in a blender! "Renfield: The Un-Dead" is a vampire movie that has fangs! Featuring great creature effects, visuals, action, scares, laughs, and a gripping story of madness, monsters and blood, it is a bloody good time! Winner of two gold REMI awards at the WORLDFEST-Houston for Horror and Best SFX Makeup, Renfield rises on DVD October 25th! If you like vampire movies with real bite, this movie is for you! If you like comic book movies this movie is for you! Renfield is the every man's antihero, and he is fun to watch! But don't take my word for it... get your copy and see for yourself!

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