R | 17 November 2006 (USA)
Reincarnation Trailers

A Japanese actress begins having strange visions and experiences after landing a role in a horror film about a real-life murder spree that took place over forty years ago.

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I love this movie so much

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This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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David Arnold

Nagisa Sugiura (Yuka) is a young Japanese actress who comes face to face with a slew of ghosts. These restless spirits begin to appear when she signs on to star in a horror film which tells the true story about a crazed, local professor whose murderous rampage at a hotel left 11 guests dead, including his young son and daughter. The director of the film is making the movie at the actual hotel where the murders happened, so it's not long before Nagisa starts to witness them more and more.Rinne (Reincarnation) isn't actually that bad of a movie. The story itself is pretty simple, but it does tend to jump about a bit so it can get a bit tricky to follow. It's also a wee bit slow in parts, but the parts where it picks up makes up for that slightly but just not enough for me.What kind of saves it bombing totally for me are some of the ghost scenes, especially ones that involve a doll. These scenes - in particular one near the end of the movie - are pretty freaky, so it's just a pity that the rest of the movie didn't have that same kind of creep factor. I know a film can't be just full of scenes like that, but you can't help wishing that it had more to make it that much more gripping.There are some elements that reminded me of Ju-on (which was a much better film), but considering the director of that movie and this are the same, doesn't surprise me.Overall, it's not too bad of a movie to watch, especially if you like pretty creepy Japanese horror films, but there are better ones out there.

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I watched Rinne after reading some reviews that described it as being genuinely scary. I will agree that there is some very creepy imagery in there, and there are some tense moments. I think the reason this didn't work better was because the story was so all over the place. I am not sure if it has to do with the fact that it was a foreign film and I was not used to the storytelling structures of this culture, or if it was just a trippy movie, but I was working too hard to follow the plot to be affected. I was more nervous watching The Strangers, which was a dirt-simple story, but it got right to the business of being scary. With some editing, or a more coherent script, this might have been one of the scariest movies of recent years, but it felt like there were too many unrelated images and stories thrown together just to have something freaky looking to film. I was especially put off by the ending. Having a main character going insane is about as creative as killing them off--that's something they'd tell you not to do in a high school writing class.

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The easiest way I can think of summing up Reincarnation is as a cross between Ring and The Shining. It's a slow building chiller, directed with a stylish touch by director of The Grudge Takashi Shimizu. While this movie has a few jump moments and some truly creepy ghost moments, it's more of a psychological, supernatural thriller than a haunted house film.A young woman is starting out on a career as an actress. She auditions for a new horror film based on true events, a massacre at a hotel where a university professor went crazy, murdering his family and the hotel night staff all in one night. She leaves the audition and begins to have visions of a little girl and her doll in impossible places. Soon she gets a call back, and goes to meet the director. As soon as she's cast in the film her visions change and begin to include images of the murders. She starts to investigate into why.It's a different story to the average 'this place is haunted, I shouldn't go in here...well, maybe a little...OHMIGOD!' stories that J-Horror is famous for, and it makes the film feel fresh. Also the directions it takes are both unexpected and very creepy. I won't give any of them away to avoid spoiling the film, but the movies twists and turns give it a great storyline and structure.I can't recommend this film enough. Yes it is subtitled, and watching a film this tied up to Japanese culture and beliefs in a dub destroys a lot of the mystique, so I wouldn't recommend it to those who can't sit through subtitled films, but it is an excellent horror, spooky and ultimately quite chilling.It is worth noting that this movie is also at times quite brutal. The flashbacks to the murders though brief are disturbing and explicit, and often seen through the murderers eyes, so the easily upset be warned.However, to avoid this movie simply because of a few short sequences of disturbing violence or it's language would be to miss out on a great horror film with a unique feel and excellent atmosphere. Please watch this movie, you won't regret it.

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No doubt about it : for a scary movie, it's really scary. Some scenes are really frightful, especially when some characters come to see impossible presences, that make their rational universe slowly collapses into madness, and that transforms their fake fear into a more than real one.There's lot of things in that movie, maybe to much. "Rinne" tells the story of the filming of an horror movie, but also of of the murders that occurred in a Shinning-like hostel thirty years ago, or of an actress who's too involved in her part. There's maybe way too much to tell to find coherency in all that, and what the movie wins in abstract fear, it loses in unity.But if Takashi Shimisu fails to tell us a linear story, he archives to make us fell the deep fear of his characters : some scenes are incredibly frightened and beautifully directed (especially the ones with the ghost-father and his creepy camera-eyes). He really uses noises and visual codes to creates a (Jap')horror atmosphere. It's really too bad that the movie ultimately looks like a catalog of style effects : of course, it works, but is it enough to make a movie ?

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