| 26 December 2001 (USA)
Regína Trailers

Regína is 10 years old. Her mother, Margrét, works at a home for the elderly and her father is dead. The story begins one sunny summer morning when kids are leaving for the summer camp and Regína has been told she cannot go. While alone at home killing time she discovers her gift, which is hypnotizing singing. Her friend Pétur shows his talent for finding words that rhyme and together they increase the power of singing.


Wonderful character development!

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Such a frustrating disappointment

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ridiculous rating

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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Who wants to make an old fashioned musical in style that was said to be out of time three or four decades ago?There's nothing wrong with the idea: why should everything follow modern styles? This movie, looking something between "Annie" and "American in Paris" could be a homage to classic musicals. And homages are always welcome, especially for old fans.The trouble is that this one is meant for (very) young kids, whose parents haven't been born when Gene Kelly and Vincent Minelli made their masterpieces. Maybe this could be recommended to grandparents to watch together with their grandchildren, who would probably be the first to give up a watching.The movie often tries to look more American then average north European movie, and the ambiance is undetermined (although Reykjavik is mentioned a few times). Also most of the character's names are non-Icelandic, so the movie could be happening anywhere - obviously in hope to be accepted worldwide. But the movie therefore loses that spirit so typical for Scandinavian (especially children/family) movies.The plot is suitable for all ages, maybe too predictable for older. Some scenes however are lovely and the idea of using music to control other people's actions and behaving is just enough surreal for such a film still not letting it become a fairy tale - but sometimes it would be better if omitted. Actors are better then the movie itself, but very uneven. Some are too caricatured and really annoying (mostly stunts, like customers in Atli's shop), the others caricatured adequately what makes them funny (like Cynthia). Both kids are great, not too sweet and irritating, not pathetic, among the best child actors I've ever seen. But I'd really like to see Regina in a movie without singing.Not a waste of time if you can handle watching a story for kids packed in Minelli-Kelly style musicals.

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After watching this Scandinavian import, which is a Musical about a young girl who's singing can change whats going on.. had to go to the doctor..Saccharin sweet, poorly acted, horrible songs.. My eyes bled, my ears bled..Now.. Before you say.. But its a kids movie..My 4 and 7 year olds both asked me to turn it off after 10 minutes..Regina, a young girl and her widowed mother live through an unbearably long summer. The local merchant has the has a thing for mom. Regina wants to go to camp with the other neighborhood kids (but they can't afford it). I tuned out when she started singing to her cat, and the cat started to respond back to her, so she decided to have a garage sale...?!?!If anyone remembers the Kids from Degrassi from the 70's.. its a very reminiscent of that type of story line..Avoid....

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