Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf
| 01 January 1992 (USA)
Red Dwarf Trailers

Pilot for the US version of Red Dwarf.


A Brilliant Conflict

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Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...

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Why do Americans always feel like they have to take something which is already good and change it to suit them. The show had 8 series in england and easily had more if the actors wanted. so why did the Americans think they could do a better version of the show. Think of your shows. Did i just mention the office?? There could only be one lister ( Craig Charles). There can only be one Rimmer (Chris Barrie). The show was meant to be a low budget sci-fi TV series show because it wanted to be not because it had to be. Please watch the original show of red dwarf not the us pilot shows. Thank you and good night. Don't Forget that one day with any luck there will be a movie and with any luck it will be with the original cast and directors. Is It Over? The Smeg It Is....

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Just watched a very poor quality copy. In fact I'm quite glad it was a poor quality copy because if it was good quality I would probably have been even more aware of how rubbish this was. (Kryten being the only exception). Lister was too "Wholesome American", his character needs to be more scummy. Rimmer wasn't arsy enough. Cat looked to be reasonably well cast but there really wasn't enough of his character in the pilot to draw any real conclusion. Holly was also okay except perhaps a little too chirpy. Kryten, well Kryten was played by Robert Llewellyn so you can't really go wrong there.If the Americans want to watch Red Dwarf why don't they just buy the original episodes off the BBC instead of butchering an absolutely timeless cult classic. I actually feel dirty, I need to watch an original episode to cleanse that detritus from my mind!

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Red dwarf is a great comedy, and one of many reasons why millions of people are proud to live on a small island just above France. It is therefore annoying and embarrassing for the BBC that they have any sort of association with giant toss bag of an excuse for a TV show. The American pilot is soooo bad, all the things that make the British comedy great have been lost in the show. It is a joke that some of these people like to call themselves actors, they should be ashamed of ruining some quality characters, especially the appalling American impression of cat. This pilot is a good prediction of how the office will probably go because Ricky Gervais sold out to the land of stupid white guys. POUR, with extra gravy !!

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This is without a doubt the worst adaptation ever. Im sorry but british comedy is only funny when its *British*. The American humour aint at all funny and the characters are weak to say the least. The only good point about this show is Kryten......only because its the original. An absolutely terrible tv show, if you like Red Dwarf then watch the original.

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