Red Billabong
Red Billabong
| 25 August 2016 (USA)
Red Billabong Trailers

In the Australian Outback, two brothers discover old secrets and family lies. As their friends start to go missing they fear they are being stalked by someone or something from their worst nightmares - But is it just - A story? A legend? A hoax? Or is it real?


How sad is this?

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Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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This movie really doesn't deserve the bad reviews it has received and I wonder at the motives behind some of them. The movie is a well paced,sometimes humorous,monster flick,made in a typically Aussie way. Some good performances,by Aussie actors and incorporating some aboriginal lore,makes for a fun monster movie which I thoroughly enjoyed. The cgi could have been better,particularly in the monster fight scene with the aboriginal elder,but it wasn't something that bothered me too much as the monster was pretty cool. All in all I found it much better than a lot,and I mean a lot,of American made monster movies.I would watch this again just because it is a fun movie. Aussie horror is coming of age,I just wish there was more of it.

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khalid emam

It was one of the worst things "not just movie" I've ever seen. How this movie has got a rating of 6.5 is beyond me!! I don't want to waste any extra words on this shitty movie but because it is compulsory to write a minimum of 10 lines I would have to apologize for the following.Awful Awful Awful.I beg of you if you are reading this review not to waste two hours of your life watching this movie.I don't normally write reviews but I feel it is my social duty to try and warn as many people as I can from watching this horrid thing.

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Absolutely dumbfounded as to how this is getting anything higher than 3 - 3.5 starsAs one of the previous reviewers suggested, it does look like it was made by Uni students during their lunch break. There are a number of painful scenes where the actors really are unsure of what they're supposed to be doing or how they should be acting. Also, with regards to CGI, if you don't have the budget to do it well, don't do it at all. It was laughable. We didn't really need to see as much as we did, it would have been better leaving more to the imagination. Wooden acting at best with lackluster direction. The idea and potential could have been great with thorough execution but this just left us all feeling like we wanted 2 hours of our lives back.The dog was great.Funny thing with some of the other 10/10 reviews.... check the profiles, one gold coast actor (supporting his friends in the industry) the others all created recently and only reviewing this film ... I smell a rat! ;-)

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The idea that "just because an Aussie made it -- It MUST be supported" is rubbish -- this really feels like a university student film with a high school plot - the online PR is promoting that this is Australia's first CGI film... ummm ... so what?!?! Using CGI doesn't equal a good film. In fact the CGI is below average. Everything in this film is clichéd to the point of embarrassing. The story is predictable. The actors are soap calibre. The link to ancient culture is forced & ill-conceived. There is no horror. No thrill. Nothing new. This is naive film-making at it's worst. The whole exercise looks like a marketing survey aimed at the lowest common denominator.

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