Rape! 13th Hour
Rape! 13th Hour
| 22 January 1977 (USA)
Rape! 13th Hour Trailers

A serial rapist takes on a young protégé to his craft as he is pursued by a homosexual gang seeking vengeance for an attack on their leader.



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Just so...so bad

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Rape has long been a staple ingredient of exploitation cinema, but very few films have dealt with the understandably touchy subject in such a blatantly un-PC and misogynistic manner as Rape! 13th Hour from Yasuharu Hasebe, the director of Assault! Jack the Ripper.Not only does this film feature repeated violent sex attacks on innocent Japanese cuties by a pair of depraved maniacs, but it actually shows the victims enjoying the experience to such a degree that they willingly return for more abuse, offering cold, hard cash for another round of the same; for that reason, sensitive viewers should approach this film with caution.OK, now that you've been warned, I can get on with describing this decidedly dodgy slice of deviant filth in detail....Rape! 13th Hour opens at a gas station where the attendant on duty (Yudai Ishiyama) conceals a red-jacketed stranger from a gang of homosexual thugs seeking to do him harm. After this incident, the grateful fugitive—known only as Crimson—takes his new-found friend on a little jaunt—to rape a ballerina!!! Crimson's accomplice enjoys his experience so much that, in-between further excursions with his pal, he ventures out to sample the delights of forced sex on his own.Although not quite as graphic as the aforementioned Assault! Jack the Ripper, particularly in regards to the gore, Rape! 13th Hour is easily as nasty in tone and certainly packs as powerful a punch. Crimson and his cohort are thoroughly reprehensible fellows and their extremely disturbing assaults are made all the more repulsive by the fact that the women appear to enjoy their ordeal. Director Hasebe is no doubt appealing to an audience that harbours rape fantasies, and this makes the film uneasy viewing to say the least.Towards the end of the film, Hasebe has Crimson suffer the indignity of rape himself (by his gay pursuers, who not only bugger him but also bash out his teeth in order to violate his mouth), but this does little to excuse the movie's unrelenting mysogeny and general mean-spiritedness. A brutal finalé sees the garage attendant exacting revenge on his friend's attackers by bashing their skulls in with a wrench, before paying another visit to his favourite victim: the sexy ballerina.Whatever your views on the film's dubious subject matter, there is no denying that Rape! 13th Hour is a technically well made movie and an emotive piece of cinema: the cinematography is superb (lovely use of widescreen) and the soundtrack—a mixture of classical and baroque—works extremely well with the visuals.I'm not going to pass judgement on this film based on its moral turpitude—after all, I actively seek out potentially offensive films—so I'll award Rape! 13th Hour a rating of 8/10 for its technical prowess and ability to shock.

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I saw this movie as part of a double feature in a movie theater I believe in Itabashi area of Tokyo around 1978. The other movie I think was Momojiri Musume, and that was the movie I actually wanted to see.I was amazed at the audacity of the character to climb up the wall of a condo to rape a woman. Then after that it was non-stop sexually themed violence throughout the movie. The movie left an impression on me that I haven't forgotten through the years. I couldn't remember the title of the movie, but I've seen it recently again. The ballerina girl I thought was Izumi Shima, but it wasn't. Each of the movie's character has a shabby poetic- ness to them. Nikkatsu's Roman Poruno series movies usually has a happy go lucky style to them, but this movie is unusually dark for this series. One of a kind sex movie that goes beyond mere porn due to its audacity. It's definitely worth checking out if you can find it.

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"Rape!13th Hour" tells the story of a brutal gangster and rapist named Crimson.He is stalked by a trio of gay vigilantes.One night Crimson rapes a ballerina with the help of a young gas station worker.Crimson's accomplice can't climax,but his thoughts about rape are overwhelming.Soon the series of brutal rapes is set in motion..."Rape!13th Hour" by Yasuharu Hasebe is not as disturbing as 1976's "Assault!Jack the Ripper",however it features lots of rape and hard misogyny.This controversial pink film is perhaps one of the most extreme Nikkatsu rape movies.The climax which takes place in an empty swimming pool is truly nihilistic and evil.The acting is solid,the women are attractive and there are some tense moments.A must-see for fans of depraved exploitation cinema,but despite of its nasty reputation "Rape!25-ji bokan" is nothing in comparison to many pinku eiga movies which would follow.8 out of 10.

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Another impactful Japanese thriller from Yasaharu Hasebe, this mean-spirited rape/revenge flick pushed the sexual violence boundaries so far (even for Nikkatsu) that that they voluntarily put the brakes on the genre. However, it was briefly revived ten years later by Ohara's "Zoom Up: Rape Site". In this exercise in grimy nihilism, a rapist named 'Crimson' stalks and rapes a dancer with the help of an "apprentice". A final assault scene in an empty swimming pool (of a male) has to be seen to be believed, and echoes the homosexual biker rape in the same director's incendiary "Raping!". The blood and guts quotient is high and, technically, this is the most straightforward installment (stylistically) of the bunch, but is a confronting, unique pleasure.

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