Queen of Spades: The Dark Rite
Queen of Spades: The Dark Rite
| 10 September 2015 (USA)
Queen of Spades: The Dark Rite Trailers

There is an ancient ritual known to humankind for more than a hundred years...According to the legend, an ominous entity known as The Queen of Spades can be summoned by drawing a door and staircase on a mirror in the darkness, and by saying her name three times. The Queen of Spades gets her energy from reflective objects; she cuts locks of hair from those asleep, and those that see her go mad or die. Four teenagers decide to call The Queen of Spades as a joke. But when one of them dies of a sudden heart attack, the group realizes they are up against something inexplicable and deadly dangerous.

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The Couchpotatoes

Russian movies... didn't see alot of them and the ones I saw were just not good. But this one is actually okay, especially for a horror movie. It might not be the scariest thing you ever saw but it has some dark vibes in it. The athmosphere is creepy, and the soundtrack is good and that's important if you want a decent horror movie because half of the dark ambiance in horror movies is due to a good soundtrack. I couldn't say much about the actors, because I don't know any of them, but they were all good enough to make this movie believable. Believable in the sense that their acting was good, not in a believable story which is almost never the point with horror movies. I'm glad that I, for once, saw a good Russian movie, and it's a horror movie so that's a bonus. Good enough to watch once.

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This was actually really spooky. The film has some great visuals and an eerie tone. It is a different take on the haunting/possession genre and quite frankly one I enjoyed immensely. This will no doubt go down as a classic.

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Marcus James

The mom must be the worst actor in Russian history. Her reactions are unbelievably delayed as if no one edited the movie. Her character has no real use in the movie nor any good dialog yet she had a lot of screen time. The doctor was equally bad as was the father. The kids outperformed the adults... As for the movie, if you are looking for something new, keep walking. This is about the most generic horror flick ever made. You have 1 early teen girl, 1 late teen girl, mom, dad and a guy who once had to deal with the bad ghost. Add in mirror, and possession and I bet 9/10 people can tell us what happens. There are about 3 jump loud scares and that's about it. The ghost design looks like something out of Japanese horror and comes with the obligatory noises that they make, so nothing new there either.Skip it.

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Michael Ledo

In the very first scene Anya summons the Queen Of Spades, the Russian equivalent of a Bloody Mary minus the vodka. Kids get haircuts and die. When the Bloody Mary aspect of the film gets old, they combine it with an exorcist type film (pick one, they are all about the same) with Vladimir Seleznyov playing the duel role of Zelda Rubinstein and Jason Miller.The film is Russian with English subtitles. It had some decent cinematography and story line. Was that a butter knife she cut her finger on and tried to stab people with? Also, one more time, a defibrillator can NOT start a stopped heart. It is used to STOP a heart that is fibrillating, hence the name "defibrillator". Kudos for the Russians to work in some obscure 2014 science fact that mice share 70% of their DNA with humans, although I fail to see why an entity would jump into a rodent because of it or even why someone would think that. Where is the major "B" film precedent? I know some of you want to quote Matthew 8:28-34, but that was pigs who share 98% DNA, not a mere 70%. The take away: The human race is mostly rat and nearly all pig.The film had some slow scenes and I think a black mirror would have worked better for the Queen of Spades with Russian pagan music with off-setting drum beats similar to the ones used in "Red Riding Hood" (2011-Amanda Seyfried). But that is just me. Anya was not too convincing when possessed, even with the funny contacts. Okay to watch when you can sit down and pay attention to the screen, unless you understand Russian.No swearing, sex, or nudity.

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