R | 09 February 1974 (USA)
Policewomen Trailers

A lady cop infiltrates an all-female criminal gang.


So much average

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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I found Policewomen really disappointing; although I must admit that I went into it with the wrong expectations. I was hoping for a drive-in feature along the same lines as women in prison flicks such as Caged Heat or The Big Bird Cage; and after the opening scene, which features a prison break, it looked as though I was going to get my wish. However, from there Policewoman quickly descends into boredom and ends up turning into a low-rent female lead version of Dirty Harry; and I was none too impressed. The plot focuses on Lacy Bond (who, according to the poster, came before James Bond; even though this film was released twelve years after James' film debut). Lacy is bored with her job of guarding female prisoners; but she gets break after thwarting the prison escape that takes place during the best part of the movie single handed. She gets some training and then the top brass decide to give her an assignment that involves infiltrating an all-female gang of drug smugglers.The main problem with this film is that the plot isn't very interesting, and there is little in the way of distractions. There are plenty of films like this that aren't particularly strong in the plot department; but work anyway thanks to interesting characters and wacky situations; but despite featuring an old woman with a strapping young husband; this film is seriously lacking in those areas, which makes viewing it very tedious. There's also nothing in the way of sleaze, which is unforgivable as far as I'm concerned since that's the only reason I was watching the film. The lead role is taken by Sondra Currie; and she's not very good, both in terms of how she looks and her performance. I really lost interest in the film after about half an hour and director Lee Frost didn't seem interested in trying to regain it. The grand finale is not too bad, and better than anything featured in the middle part of the film; but even so, this really is disappointing stuff and I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to find a copy.

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Policewoman Lacy Bond (Sondra Currie) longs for more interesting and meaningful assignments than guarding female prisoners. After almost single handedly thwarting a mass prison escape, Lacy catches the eye of her superiors and is finally given her big chance. Her assignment – go undercover to bust up an all-girl smuggling ring. But she better be careful, because this gang is deadly.I loved the opening prison break scenes. They had a quirky feel to them that worked. After the first 10 minutes, I thought for sure I had found a winner. But after getting off to a great start, once the real plot kicks in, Policewomen loses steam. What should have been a wild, fun ride turns into . . . well, in a word, it gets boring. The plot has way too much talk and not enough action or sleaze. The case that Lacy Bond finds herself involved in isn't terribly interesting. I can't really blame Sondra Currie. She may not be the best actress I've seen (in fact, she's downright bad), but she sure does give it her all. I am happy, however, to see that after Policewomen she went on to have a good career. The casting of Elizabeth Stuart as the ring-leader Maude and Phil Hoover as her boyfriend Doc was an interesting choice. I'm not saying it was a good choice, just interesting. Policewomen also features some of the sloppiest editing I've run into recently. Big, obtrusive splices right in the middle of action scenes. It's pretty obvious that Currie and the other actors had problems with the action so cuts had to be made to set-up and finish a scene. It's really weak. The film's final scenes do help redeem the movie somewhat, but not enough to make me call the movie "good". For what it's worth, I've rated Policewomen a very generous 4/10.

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"Policewomen" (actually, there is technically only ONE policewoman in the movie) is not as sleazy or action-filled as other drive-in movies of the period. However, it does manage to be much more enjoyable than many of them. Much of this is due to Sondra Currie, who is a delight as the lead. She gives her character confidence, a sense of humor, and a spirit of adventure. Whether arguing with her superiors or in hand-to-hand combat, she constantly shines. Judging from her performance here, it's a mystery why she didn't go onto bigger things, or at the very least become a prominent star in the drive-in genre.But there is additional enjoyment beyond Currie. There is a good amount of humor - some unintentional, like how Currie's policemen co-workers are surprisingly sexist. However, most of the comedy is intentional and pretty funny at that. The plot has some outlandish touches (an all-girl gang that spends most of its time in bikinis?), a cameo by William Smith, Elizabeth Stuart has some hilariously stingy one-liners, and there is a respectable amount of nudity and sex. The best bits are the martial arts sequences, which are unusually very well choreographed (and surprisingly brutal at times.) Dim the lights, pretend you're at the drive-in, and sit back and have some fun.

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"Policewomen" is an action/adventure film that is worth seeing, especially if you are a fan of women's martial arts. Sondra Currie is the main female action heroine whose knowledge of karate is put to use in a prison, in a gym, on a boat and on the back of a truck. Jeannie Bell also has notable fight scenes. Both of them prove that women can fight and that they can look very sexy while doing so. The story is a crime-fighting caper that is enhanced by a good musical score.

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