Pleasures of Sin
Pleasures of Sin
R | 01 May 2001 (USA)
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The intersection of business and pleasure causes an emotional traffic jam in this erotic drama. Samantha and Steve are a pair of private eyes who are also a couple after hours. The two are hired to set up a surveillance operation in a high-class bordello, and it isn't long before both are tempted by the voluptuous pleasures which surround them. Will their relationship survive? And if not, who will pair off with who?

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Sorry, this movie sucks

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I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Thank you The FilmZone for showing this sleazy soft core sex flick at 1 a.m. I truly enjoyed it. To be honest, I expected a lot more from a sexy cast with McKayla, Dru Berrymore, and of course, the talented Chloe Nicholle (as Rebecca Carter).The production values are truly bad mainly because of the low budget but a little more effort wouldn't harm. For example, the cinematography makes it look like a hard core porno movie. There's absolutely no effort in lightning. But let's ignore that fact because let's be honest, we watched "Pleasures of Sin" because of the high amounts of sex.The sex factor is pretty good and offers steamy, explicit scenes. Chole Nicholle delivers the best performance of the female cast.So my advice is , watch this movie if you are in the mood for good explicit sex or just watch it if you are a fan of Mrs. Nicholle.Recommended only for the sex scenes; don't expect anything else.

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This movie is by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I would like to describe more of how bad it was, but it seems as though my mind as involuntarily blocked out my memory of this movie; all I remember is it had a horrible plot, bad acting and was pretty much a soft core porno. Hell, this movie didn't even have any good action which might have made it minutely worth watching. The cover of the movie is the most misleading thing I have ever seen in my years of existence. Books, movies or magazines usually portray least a fraction of what is to be found within the story.. the woman on the "bounty huntress" cover isn't even in the movie. It was literally like putting the cover of a Steven segal movie on spice world or something. It made no sense. Don't ever watch this movie if you have any remote value for your life.

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My goodness, someone in the production of this film must have been an NYPD Blue fan, because Nicole Hilbig sounds and looks like Gail O'Grady. Brooklyn indeed, but more like Brooklyn Joe Beckham in comparing her accent to the Beckham's decision to name their prodigy son after the borough of New York. B A D: BAD!This time though, the bad acting really hurts this movie. It makes Eve's Beach Party looks good. The film, about a madam who's in big trouble with the police because of her brothel, is forced to have two detectives (who are lovers, one of them is Brooklyn) to spy in her operations.Even though again I applaud that the main women in this film are all-natural, the brutal acting just hurts. The set-ups to the philosophical discussions are non-existent and the film is just one big bore. Chloe reminded me of Nicole Gian because they both look like better versions of Julia Roberts, but that's about it. The story is a retread, too. And of course, Miss Hilbig is very nice, but the accent is awful. I guess Jennifer Jason Leigh is off the hook when it comes to annoying accents now.

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I thought this to be a pretty good example of a better soft core erotica film. It has a reasonable plot about the madame of a bordello caught up in a police scheme to nab a wealthy crook.Hardcore porn star Chloe Nichole again shows her genuine acting ability. She will occasionally appear in soft core such as "Body of Love" and "Lady Chatterly's Stories. Nicole Hilbig, on the other hand, leaves something to be desired in her role as the female cop.

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