Plan B
Plan B
NR | 12 January 2010 (USA)
Plan B Trailers

Bruno's plan to win back his ex-girlfriend hits a snag when he becomes attracted to her boyfriend.


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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Roy Hart

If you're interested in the topic at hand, you should just watch it and judge yourself because the reviews have gone very biased by people that didn't even watch it and just hate (or love) the creator. I liked it, it was well written, narrated, and directed and it was about a topic that interests me.

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Michelle Ridley

The movie is wonderful and true, an act of love in all its contradictions and complexity

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Much has been said about the brooding, slow pacing of the film. And then you have the long building facade shots and sometimes unfocused images. You may suggest trimming the scenes a bit but some of them actually do work, primarily because of the actors' natural acting. Just looking at their facial expressions while pondering and you can somehow feel their complex emotions.You need patience to go thru the whole film. The gist is : Man A plans to get ex-girlfriend from Man B by seducing Man B knowing that he might be gay. Then Man A and Man B begin to like each other as they start to explore their hidden feelings. And the conflict starts when the male leads are not able to express their true feelings.Bruno and Pablo have good vibes together and how the attraction is shown without words is one big asset of the movie. The internal subtle acting of the actors is superb! I also have my favorite scenes: When Bruno professed his love for Pablo at the corridor and gave him a gift - such natural acting from Bruno's side; When Pablo learned about Bruno' portrait from a girl friend - look at the tears falling from his eyes...I am not gonna tell the ending but will give you a hint. A photo tells it all...

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The story is implausible but done so well you can't help but like it. It is too much like a gay fantasy not impossible but very unlikely.There is a lot of good acting. I have to say though I much preferred the actor doing Pablo. The one doing Bruno looked too much like a Smart Alec-- I kept thinking this is a straight guy who just can't get into the role. This movie couldn't have cost much to make but it is very entertaining.If you speak Spanish the Buenos Aires porteño accent is a little hard to follow fortunately there are subtitles.Uplifting movie over all especially for gays.

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Edgar Soberon Torchia

A fine motion picture about male friendship taken to the physical plane and turned into a homoerotic relationship. Certainly the undercurrent was there (as seen in the last reel), moving the characters together rather unconsciously, but the liaison had not been expressly planned. In my opinion, the script has a few shortcomings, starting with the initial proposition: a young man who cannot win back his ex girlfriend, decides to seduce the guy she is having an affair with. That is the "excuse" to develop the story of how two normal guys find out they love each other, first just as candidly as two 12-year-old kids would love each other, and then making it grow as adults, just as plain lovers. I had my doubts about watching it, but after it was finished I was more pleased than hypercritical. My problem with most films with homosexual stories is that I believe they hardly get close to what the "real thing" is: many are advertising campaigns for the unwary; others, plain pornography, and far too many, soap operas with stories that probably would get better after The End, and so on. "Plan B" goes beyond these stereotyped formulas, and tries something different for a change. Nicely acted by the two lead players, with a cast of (apparently) non-professional actors that makes things more believable. Give it a try, no matter what your sexual orientation is.

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This a very understated movie. Because Spanish is not my first language, it is sometimes difficult to get the full meaning of a movie. Subtitles are not always translated with the real meaning of the dialogue. Because of the method of telling this story, and the superb acting the language didn't really matter. So much of the story is in the facial expressions, attitude, and eyes of the main characters. It takes time to get into the story, but the story is well worth the wait. You need to pay attention, put details together...but you should love this movie! I was pleasantly surprised at how much I got into enjoyed this movie and the way it was told. I watched it twice!

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