Pinching Penny
Pinching Penny
R | 11 October 2011 (USA)
Pinching Penny Trailers

A British hypochondriac turns to crime after becoming addicted to consumerism. As his obsession worsens, his life falls quickly into the absurd and he continues to spend himself deeper and deeper into depravity.


Strong and Moving!

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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One of the great things about HD filmmaking is its affordability. These days pretty much anyone with the willpower and a few months savings can buy a camera and make their vision a reality. This is great for the artist on a shoestring budget with a unique and creative story to tell, but the problem is most peoples vision is of little interest to anyone but themselves. Pinching Penny fits into the latter category.As reviewers have said before, Pinching Penny is a film that takes stock characters from myriad other films and places them in situations where they clearly don't belong. The result is an entirely disjointed and unbelievable experience that, in the end, plays out like an overly-long student film. Now, I can tolerate the occasional student film when it has something interesting to say, but Pinching Penny seems so detached from reality that I wonder if the director incorporated any of his personal experiences into this movie at all, or if its entirely fabricated out of bits and pieces he's picked from other films.Perhaps the saddest part of all is the fact that so many have given this movie a ten star rating. If Dan Glaser ever hopes to evolve as a filmmaker he'd do best to ignore these high scores, which have clearly been padded by his family and friends, and acknowledge his shortcomings as a storyteller. Once he does this and starts drawing from his own experiences, he'll hopefully be able to give us something worth watching.

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What a brash hodge podge of stolen material. Only a few notes off from being made of material copied and pasted from the peers of this genre. Don't let friends and family convince you that this is some grand opus. This is merely a student film far longer than it ever need be. Actors do what they can but sadly they can do little when a project is flawed from so many directions. The main character and his setting seems completely forced. It's one thing to enjoy a Guy Ritchie film but it's an entirely other thing to forcibly shove a bad knock off of one of Mr. Ritchie's characters into a place he has no good reason being in the first place. The only explanation for this being in the Top 500 is probably because calling in some family favors to make a few simple clicks is rather easy.

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As somebody who knows the filmmakers, I have no problem professing that all the high reviews as of 10.31.11 are from the filmmakers or their friends and family. In fact, they haven't even bothered to type new reviews, but have copied and pasted their previous glorifying comments from As for my review; this movie is your standard film student fare. It borrows from dozens of popular movies and makes no original additions of its own. Pinching Penny would be a good movie to watch if you know the people involved or are stoned, drunk, or otherwise mentally incapacitated. If not, I would suggest you don't waste your time.

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I liked the opening bit with the home invasions, but after that, the movie fell apart. Each new character got more and more ridiculous and unbelievable. The characters had no depth and no development.They mentioned over and over in the story that the main character had an obsession with buying things. Too bad it wasn't shown in the movie. You didn't see or feel it about the character. It wasn't part of him. All you ever saw were a few additional items cluttering the house. It was an entirely unnecessary motive for him without showing it in the character. Hell, it wasn't necessary at all. Why does he need the obsession in the first place? Why can't they simply want money? Isn't that motive enough? It wasn't entirely rotten. A few scenes and characters showed promise. I've seen a lot worse with bigger budgets. I hope his next movie takes my advice. Great movies have deep characters. Forget the plot. Piling on more characters and more plot points don't make it better. Instead, deepen and develop your characters. Make me feel for them. Make them real.

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