R | 05 November 2007 (USA)
Pigs Trailers

A college ladies man accepts a challenge from his dorm buddies - sleep with the entire alphabet, A through Z, before graduation. The rules are simple: the rarer the first letter of the girl's last name, the higher the payout. All goes well until he falls for the "X". Now he's torn between his feelings for the girl and winning the bet for his friends.


Wonderful character development!

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Undescribable Perfection

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the audience applauded

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I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Again, let me repeat it. This is by far the worst movie EVER!!!! The ending was stupid. The character who is the roommate the most worst personality in the world. Again let me repeat he's worthless, and the ending makes the whole movie suck. There is literally no logic to the movie what so ever and the story line is pure crap. Especially the ending. Do yourself a favor and watch any of the American Pie movies. There much funnier, have better story lines, and actually worth your time. Who ever wrote and produced this film is a simpleton. On top of everything, you can here their Irish accents come out during half the movie. The actors are the worst at trying to fake an American Accent.

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I thought this film was pretty funny. If you're a fan of the college/American Pie type genre then give it a go. Interesting ending and a few laughs along the way. You'll probably be surprised at the quality of acting given the anonymous cast list. Typical level of female nudity, chauvinism, sexism etc for this type of film. Don't expect an artsy masterpiece, but I found the cinematography and direction pretty interesting. Generally an interesting take on the college humor genre from a sub-blockbuster level budget. Your girlfriend will hate watching this with you. If you haven't got one then you'll probably enjoy it

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I think this movie lies somewhere in the middle between most movie in the genre. It wants to be a funny, romantic movie yet the topic that it took is something where you expect to see naked girl most of the times. Guess what, you won't see skin (until the end & it's boobs without faces). Unfortunately it's not that funny either and you definitely can't ask a girl to see through this movie expecting her to feel the movie as the romance factor is about 0.One girl could change you, maybe. The acting however is NOT good at all. I just don't believe that Miles is such a Don Juan, his best friend Cleaver acts like some punk ass, Ben is such a nerd and X is a mechanic. X do looks cute though. The pace however is just too slow and change of event is too fast. Verdict, 5 out of 10. It has a promising beginning then slowed down to I almost quit it. Took me 2 days to finish the movie.

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This film has a great premise for a movie, if you like the kind of movies with gratuitous nudity, outrageous shocking moments, and hilariously uncomfortable situations and misunderstandings. There was one shot of nudity at the very end from a woman who had absolutely nothing to do with the film. There were no shocking moments. And the uncomfortable situations and misunderstandings were unrealistic and often hard to sit through. I did not laugh once. And I am not exaggerating. The many attempts at comedy failed miserably mainly because you could almost see the punchline before the joke was told. I didn't care one bit about the characters. And it seemed that they were all missing something. The main character, Miles, was supposed to be charming had no charm. Cleaver, who was supposed to be a Stifler-like character(American Pie), was just plain annoying. The original Stifler, you just love to hate him but can't hate him for long because he's pretty damn funny. When Cleaver's character attempts to copy him in this film, you just hate to know him and want to punch him in the face. And then there's Ben, the quiet roommate who is somewhat of the moral compass in the film. But he has probably never had a girl in his life, and he decides to tattle-tale on Miles late in the film, in the hopes that he will win the girl that Miles is supposedly "changing his ways" for. After Ben snitched on Miles, there was so little tension in the room I felt they were about to have a slap fight. And even THAT didn't happen.And then there's the soundtrack. Normally I wouldn't comment on such a thing but it was distracting and pathetic. There was hardly any musical score to the movie, instead there were poorly written and poorly produced songs that were so completely blatant about what was happening in that particular scene or montage. If Tenacious D was retarded, somehow had retarded children, then those children formed a band, it would be the guys who made this soundtrack.So here's what you should do instead for 84 minutes. Listen to your favorite comedy CD that you've heard a million times while you surf the web for the most softcore porn you can find. You'll at least have somewhat of a smile on your face from a joke you've already heard, and you won't have to wait til the 83rd minute to see some nudity. If you watch the movie anyway, please comment on here and if you can honestly say that you didn't waste your time, then please don't procreate.

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