Pedicab Driver
Pedicab Driver
| 11 February 1989 (USA)
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Lo Tung and his friend Malted Candy, pedicab drivers working the streets of Macao, have both fallen in love. The problem is that both their objects of affection - one a baker, the other a prostitute - are working under cruel and lecherous bosses. Somehow, the pair must find a way to win the ladies' hearts and free them from their unpleasant jobs.


A Disappointing Continuation

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The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.

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Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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PEDICAB DRIVER is one of Sammo Hung's most well-developed films of the 1980s and clearly a labour of love for the writer/director/star. It's a shame that few western viewers have seen it given that it has had a very limited release history in the west, which I'm quite surprised about given that it's up there with rival Jackie Chan movies from the same era. This is a film which has everything and plenty of everything at there: there are not one but two romantic sub-plots, there's some slapstick comedy, the usual one-of-a-kind Chinese humour that's difficult to describe or replicate elsewhere, and of course copious action in the form of vehicle chases and incredible fight scenes.Sammo has also assembled a quite incredible all-star cast for his movie. Sure, Jackie and Yuen aren't present, but there are other all-time greats here, including not one but two immortal and near-indestructible fighters, Billy Chow and Dick Wei. The latter only has a one-scene cameo, but Billy Chow has a fantastic henchman role. Mang Hoi has a very good supporting role as an ally as does Lam Ching-Ying, and John Sham hams it up a treat as the chief villain of the piece. Watch out for Corey Yuen, Lau Kar-Leung, and Eric Tsang in various roles too. Sammo's love interest in the film is meanwhile played by Nina Li Chi, aka Jet Li's real-life wife, and makes quite the impression as someone you could readily fall for.Pretty much everyone who sees PEDICAB DRIVER is going to come into it looking for great action and they won't be disappointed. There are only three or four fight scenes in this film but they really make an impact, from mass brawls to one-on-one demonstrations of skill. Inevitably the best part of the movie is by far the powerhouse climax, in which Chow comes into his own and the stunts and hits are out of this world. All in all a fitting close to what has been a superior, well-rounded fight flick.

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Good movie that combines action with romance. Tung (Sammo Hung) is a pedicab driver. He has a pretty girl (LI Chi) that he gets attracted to that works at the baker next door. Malted Candy (Siu Ching Mok) who's also a pedicab driver runs into (literally) a girl (Fannie Yuen). Upon seeing her, he's instantly in love with her. He tries to mend the wrong, and his sincerity catches her heart too. There's a gang boss that's running a prostitute ring, and she works for him. Malted Candy's attempt to marry her, and get her out of the influence of the gang boss gets them in deadly harms way.This is how a kung fu action movie should be. The actresses are good looking, and fight scenes are pretty awesome. There's humor to the side stories, and the supporting casts puts in a good performance. Nina Li Chi (Who's now Jet Li's wife), and Fannie Yuen looks really good in this movie. They were the actual focus of this story.Bitter Sweet romance between Fannie Yuen, and Siu Ching Mok was nicely written.This is one of Sammo Hung's best movie and is recommended for viewing.

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if us kung fu fans stuck together we could have gotten this film the highest rating on IMDb. this is the perfect example of what the golden age of HK cinema was like. Sammo Hung does some of his best fights in this movie, and the comedy is actually funny this time. a true classic, what is wrong with you guys!?!?! i could watch any of these fight scenes for an hour and still see something knew each time, thats how good they are. In the action genre, the U.S. nowadays is getting beat by Thailand and HK. We need another true action hero, in the same vein as Chuck Norris. I guess it really doesn't matter who makes the best movies, as long as the action is good!

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This, "Prodigal Son" and "Eastern Condors" are my favourite Sammo Hung films. The Fat Dragon is fatter in this outing than he was in "Condors", but he's no less sure-footed as director or actor. He is, in fact, at the top of his form and delivers a devastating, brutal actioner that boasts half a dozen amazing sequences and manages to tell a compassionate, sweet love story also. Love and romance are not the director's priorities here, but they serve as curious adjuncts to the action, and insure that viewers don't hit the fast-forward button between the physical clashes.The opening scene, which features a funny light sabre duel, sets a solid but deceptive tone. A sequence in which Sammo's pedicab is chased by a car is beautifully staged and sweetened with a sharp, comic tone. The fast and furious stick fight between Sammo and Lau Kar Leung is a model of dazzling choreography and sharp, superb direction, and easily one of the best ever of its type. The film's violence escalates slowly until, finally, when the climactic showdown comes, we are subjected to some of the most brutal altercations ever seen in a Sammo production. The director/actor's assault on Billy Chow and a house filled with angry, menacing opponents is a bone-cracking, physically punishing delight.Terrific on every level and one of the best martial arts movies ever made.Great score, too.

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