R | 13 December 2002 (USA)
Pavement Trailers

Samuel Browne is a tracker in Alaska. When his sister meets a grisly death in San Francisco, he goes there to hunt her killer. As more murders occur, police investigator Buckley Clarke reluctantly joins forces with Sam. The brass are convinced this is a serial killer choosing victims at random, but Sam and Buckley discover a pattern involving health personnel who work in neonatal intensive care. Doctors aren't supposed to play god, but someone's decision years before has driven a killer over the brink. Can they find him?


Amateur movie with Big budget

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Melanie Bouvet

The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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Abegail Noëlle

While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.

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We could have gone to bed early and passed into month-long COMAs and have better spent our time!!! Condroddy Syndrome: No Such Thing. How does Robert Patrick find out where the cops are going, show up and anticipate his next moves including fer-shure foreknowledge that the FBI's number one suspect was not their man?? Who needed Lauren Holly in this Mish-mash anyway. Did her boss the Lieutenant pack tube socks in his cheeks? Why did the coroner have a ring in her nose, she appeared to be still in her early twenties. And doesn't that position require twenty years of med school at least? No one on the force appeared to have any other case open, this was their ENTIRE EFFORT for at least a week or two. The killer was suspiciously lacking in any visible impairments except for a churlish bad temper and a complexion reminiscent of Powder. Which could explain the bad temper. So, Maybelline it up and try out for Band little buddy!

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I mean really, with the tons of absolute mind numbing drivel out there, to call this movie 'Horrible' is just plain goofy! (Notice my stunning logic at play...) Seriously though, for a pretty much straight forward crime thriller WITHOUT a lot of cutesy self-referential style overkill that we see CONSTANTLY today, it is a good, sold, entertaining film. In a word (or a few) the STORY is good. The writing is just fine; I mean, we're not talking David Mamet here or anything but the writing is solid. The acting is perfectly fine too; no Oscar winning performances but they fit the parts. This isn't a spoiler but as far as the acting and writing only are concerned in a VERY minor scene, I really liked the little interplay between the two leads when she tells him that she is 'in charge'; her delivery is great and his responses are perfect.The direction is very competent and somewhat stylized but without detracting from the story.The Alaska locations along with the city are used quite well. The cinematography is above average with some nice and contributory stylization without overdoing it. In other words, there are some photographic stylizations, but there aren't like a friggin' TON of edits just 'because'...Yes, okay... if you want to be TOTALLY anal about it, the premise is a bit far-fetched, but what the hell, it is a decent, fairly gripping thriller. I like Robert Patrick; he just has a nice laid back style which fits his role well. And, the killer, when you do figure out who the person is, is kind of a neat reveal, although perhaps a little far fetched. Definitely original though! Also, something that I personally really appreciate is that there is a refreshing lack of 'cliches', thank Goodness! The lead woman although strong, as she has to be to do her job, THANKFULLY does NOT come across as some superficial b*tch with an attitude (Gee, how many times have we seen that one...?) She has a genuine self-effacing sense of humour which is VERY refreshing. She pulls that off well. Even the 'love' scene (c'mon, you KNOW there is gonna be one) is introduced fairly believably, again thankfully WITHOUT all the cutesypie, vomitously (I know that's not a word but it should be) phony 'foreplay' that we normally have to endure. In a minor related note, to show the director's subtlety, the love scene itself is well photographed and edited with nice dissolve shots of Alaska. Sounds corny, I know, but it works very nicely : )Believe me, there are a LOT worse ways to spend your time, even where watching movies are concerned. I guess 'competent' and 'entertaining' are the words best to describe the film. Like I mentioned before, with all the TRULY horrible, lame, and insulting stuff out there I think this film is a good go! Oh, to comment back on the scene which involves the 'first' suspect, I COMPLETELY disagree with Mr. SamHeartsMovies. I thought that was a neat little stylized and very entertaining insertion into the film; it provided not only some basic straight forward action but I personally thought the character and his 'surroundings' had a nice surreal touch (of course I LOVE David Lynch too : ) So, I would say that out of the hundreds, if not thousands of crime thrillers that I've seen, this one solidly falls in with the better ones. Just don't expect the brilliance of 'THE USUAL SUSPECTS' or 'CONFESSIONS OF A DANGEROUS MIND' or something at THAT level. But, compared to the usual police thriller it is definitely above average,fun, and entertaining.I gave this an '8' to compensate a little for what I consider an inaccurately LOW 5.x that it has now. Honestly, I would give it a solid 6.5.

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The oddly named PAVEMENT has a lot going for it: a bizarre serial killer is on the loose, which brings together an attractive female detective (Holly) and an Alaskan tracker (Patrick) hot on his or her trail. Patrick and Holly play very nicely off each other. The serial killer is certainly a piece of work, but you will have to see the film to understand why. The film was shot in South Africa and is a foreign production, so as a result it doesn't always work as well as it should. The music also leaves something to be desired. The incredibly suspenseful ending makes things worthwhile, however. Some blood, a touch of gore, but otherwise nothing we haven't seen in a million TV movies. A love scene between Holly and Patrick is nicely played, but the scene is mooted by the fact that they keep most of their clothes on! Say what? Holly is meant to be seen naked, while she's still got something worth seeing.

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Jay Harris

Pavement---starts off quite disturbingly as a premature baby is being born, Now whats going to happen??NEXT we meet ROBERT PATRICK a so-so actor whose main claim to fame was as alien life form killer. This time he is a tracker of animals in Alaska. he is informed that his sister has been killed, & off he goes. With the help of a Female police officer they solve the case. Oh me, Oh my, we have seen this film before many time in many guises. Pavement is no worse of better than others in this genre.Rating **1/2 73 points/100 IMDB 6

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