Paternity Leave
Paternity Leave
PG-13 | 24 November 2015 (USA)
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Four years into his first stable relationship, a man finds out that he is pregnant with his partner's baby.

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erin tanaka

This film is not perfect, but it lacks in perfection it makes up for with its tremendous heart and a great sense of irreverent humor. The themes of the story are ones we can all relate to, including relationships, love, and family. The viewer has to be willing to suspend disbelief in order to become fully immersed, but if they will not be disappointed! 7/10 definitely recommendokay I was done writing my review but IMDb said I needed more lines, so here are my lines. I'm writing more lines for filler I'm not great at improvising this feels silly is anybody out there my sister was married to a llama

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I had looked forward to seeing this movie for months-- ever since I heard about it this Spring. I finally was able to get my hand on a copy over the weekend and had a very hard time on the number of stars to give it. The story was contrived, but the lead actors seemed to overcome a rather weak script. It is billed as "uproariously funny" but neither me or my husband ever even chuckled. If you are going to tell stories involving men delivering toilet babies, and later an at-home birth in an inflatable pool, some thought should go into the actual mechanical difference of the male and female bodies. Sitting on a toilet makes "some sense" if you can wrap your head around the idea of a baby coming from your colon, but sitting on your derrière in a pool of water would pretty much make it impossible for a "baby" to come out. There were lots of laughs that were left unsaid. This movie was much more a romantic-drama and not really a comedy at all-- until the credits when they go for the cheap laughs of having a white bear portraying a ghetto-queen. Watch it for the acting, not the comedy or the story.

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Well, I Think the Movie will be great based on the trailer I have seen. The Movie show what it could look like when a biological male gets pregnant. I am happy that the movie was made, because male pregnancy movies are rare the find. Specially, where the plot centered on a gay couple. I think Jacob York did a good job at portraying a gay pregnant man. This movie is a must see for fans of independent movies and Matt Riddlehoover's work. This romantic comedy is an original in this field. The baby bump looks real and well made. I like how they made the movie the atmosphere looks the relaxed and inviting. All in all, the movie is a well made depiction of a reality we all wish was true.

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This was a disappointment. Yes I know Arnold Schwartzneggar had already made a movie about a pregnant man. But this seemed like an opportunity to do an amusing updated version,especially one that might deal with changing gender roles.In this iteration, a gay male couple finds themselves expecting a baby.Apparently, there was a mutation in the human species and men can now give birth. That amazing bit of news is told to us in a throw away bit, by a newscaster on TV and the main reaction of one of the protagonists is incredibly- annoyance that he is not the first anymore and no longer "special".The movie is poorly acted and not funny. Instead of emphasizing the humorous situation of a man confronting the problems that women have faced for millennia, the movie instead is obsessed with the gross details of exactly how the man got pregnant ( anal sex naturally!) and how he gives birth( a good bowel movement , of course). There are other unnecessary gross scenes- the pregnant man has morning sickness and vomits a lot. OK. we see that several times. Got it. Did we need a scene of him vomiting in the face of his partner as they make love? Aside from being visually disgusting and not remotely funny, it is illogical. One when is extremely nauseated, I doubt one feels like making love.There are some nice performances by the actor playing the doula and the young ex boyfriend But that's about it.The lead actors are occasionally wooden and mannered. The actresses who play the sister and the doctor are especially amateurish. Sorry. I know it's a low budget movie , shot on location and it's nice to support creative filmmakers trying for something original.. But this one doesn't work as a comedy or a relationship story.

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